Secrets Remembered

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Book: Secrets Remembered by Raven McAllen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raven McAllen
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
honest about any pitfalls that might occur. Then a chat with someone called Lynette had given her another reason for Aidan’s unease. Finally, she’d gotten the agreement that she should be the one to explain and see if Jeff and co could help.
    Ailsa had been adamant it was Aidan to whom she would speak first, and Cameron had agreed with a cryptic, “He’s the one for you.”
    Now she waited impatiently to see what Aidan would say or do. Ailsa knew one thing about herself. As much as she thought submitting to Aidan was right for her, her besetting sin was impatience. Even when she’d wriggled out of her bra and pants in the ladies’ loo at work, and stuffed them into her bag, she’d rushed to get the job done. Mind you, she thought now, half of that was worry in case her braless boobs swung around under the severe cut of her pinstriped work jacket. Then she’d tapped her fingers impatiently on the dashboard as the young PC had driven her out of the city. Poor boy, he was new and nervous about driving her, especially, as he put it, into the wilds. That worried her somewhat, as the village she was heading to wasn’t much more than half an hour from the city. How would he cope if he really had to drive into the countryside and navigate the single track roads? It was a wonder he’d been passed to drive anything other than a pushbike.
    He’d hesitated at a junction, even though there was nothing in view for several hundred yards. Ailsa had bitten back a sigh. She was not good at waiting for anything. Even though she was afraid that once she reached her destination she might not get a happy outcome, now she’d gotten permission to tell everything she wanted to get it over and done with.
    Could her attitude be reconciled with submitting? Maybe only Aidan could answer that.
    Now, waiting for Aidan’s answer, Ailsa counted to ten under her breath. Then to ten again. Damn him. If he wanted her to say or do something so he could play the punishment card she’d be quacking ‘red’ like every duck in the pond was in full voice.
    “I like that,” he said just as she was ready to scream and shout at the top of her voice. He picked up a leather jacket, soft with age, from the back of his chair, and slung it over one arm. “Let’s go.”
    His hand was warm on her back as he urged her toward the door. Ailsa thought it was almost a brand. That when she took her clothes off, the imprint of his hand would be seared onto her lower back. Strangely it didn’t faze her.
    The familiar scent of leather and the hint of a citrus cologne teased her nostrils. Suddenly she realized why it was so familiar. She’d scented it at Diomhair the night he’d shown her what could be in their future—if they had one.
    It took every ounce of her determination not to ask where they were going. If her boss trusted him, why shouldn’t she? Deep down Ailsa knew, whether Cameron did or not, something about this man screamed integrity and honesty to her. Even if after she’d done more research she’d accepted he’d been pushing and teasing her at Diomhair before Connie and the other guy—Ross, she remembered—had returned.
    The big, powerful motorbike parked in a courtyard at the rear of the building took her breath away. Talk about something throbbing between your legs. Every hot erotic book she’d read flashed through her mind. One in particular, where someone had ridden a motorbike knickerless and had an orgasm. Was it possible? Maybe she’d get to find out.
    Aidan shrugged his jacket on before he unlocked a box on the back and took out two helmets.
    “Here you go.” He fitted it over Ailsa’s head and adjusted it, before putting on one similar. “Hop on.” The gleam in his eyes told her Aidan understood she was going to show a lot more of herself than was polite in public.
    She’d show him all right. Once committed, Ailsa gave her all. Well she admitted she hoped she did—she was still a bit hazy on what she was committing to and

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