Secrets Remembered

Free Secrets Remembered by Raven McAllen

Book: Secrets Remembered by Raven McAllen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raven McAllen
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
    Shit. He’d been so caught up in the moment he’d forgotten Jackie was next door, and liable to enter at any minute.
    Ailsa giggled. He put his hand over her mouth and almost groaned when she sucked, licked and nipped the soft flesh of his palm.
    “Yeah, the inspector and I are old friends, with business to sort out. We’ll be a while, so er, you can knock off now. Just lock the door behind you.”
    Jackie sniggered. “That’s one way of putting it I guess. Okay, enjoy sorting, and see you on Monday.” She clicked the intercom off and a few seconds later he heard the main door bang. Evidently Jackie had been ready to leave on time.
    “Now where were we?”
    “Mrmp nmdrd,” Ailsa said behind his hand.
    “Really? Is that cop speak for a punishment spanking? I reckon I can obli— Fuck it, Ailsa, that hurt.” She’d bitten his palm, hard. He removed it from her mouth, and inspected the puncture holes. “If you were my sub, you’d not sit down for a week after that. You really do need to learn how to give respect.”
    “Ha. Pot, kettle and black.” Ailsa twisted around and leaned back on the desk. “You have to give it to get it.”
    She had a point.
    Aidan picked up one of her curls and wound it around his finger. “True enough. So shall we start the last ten minutes again? I was an arse, granted, but I never, ever lied about who I was.”
    “And I did, yes.” She leaned into his hand. “I’m more sorry than you’ll ever know, I had to do that. However, like I told you, I was at work and there were extenuating circumstances. So do you give me the chance to explain to everyone involved?” She straightened up, but not enough to dislodge his hand.
    “Do you give me the chance to take you? However I want? Now?”
    Why was he pushing her like that? Because I want her submission. All of it.
    “Is this ‘you show me yours and I’ll show you mine’ time?” Ailsa’s voice was laced with humor. “I’ve read up on safe words and stuff. I’m not as green as I was. Or maybe that should be I’m more green? Anyway, what do you want?” She paused and very slowly dipped her head, then looked up to stare him directly in the eyes before she briefly closed one eyelid. “Sir.”
    Aidan grinned. This could be fun. His body was taut with the thrum of anticipation that rushed through him and his dick swelled and hardened under its cover of denim.
    “What I want to do is bend you over the desk and rip off anything that hides you from me. Lift your skirts, tie your hands and feet so you’re nicely spread-eagled and open for me, and spank your arse until it’s rosy red and warm. But I won’t, not yet, not until you’re willing to see if we have the makings of a good Dom/sub relationship, and I know what was going on. What I will do is ask you if I can make love to you. Here, now and, yeah, probably over the desk.”
    Where had the words come from? Aidan was damned sure he hadn’t been going to say that. However, he admitted that he wanted her in any way possible, and he wasn’t going to even try the Dom/sub route until everything had been explained. Why he thought making love was different he didn’t know. It didn’t mean any less than dominating her, it was just different.
    Her eyes widened and again her skin suffused with color. She opened her mouth, closed it and swallowed.
    “Oh, the usual way, cock in pussy, with a condom. Nothing weird or untoward.” Aidan cringed once more at the words he’d spoken. He was usually a little less crude. “Sorry,” he apologized. “That’s crass. I’m off-kilter more than I thought, it seems. But I do want to make love with you and I do have protection.” He blessed the action that had him picking up a pack of condoms along with his meal deal at lunchtime. “I want to get to know you.”
    Ailsa was silent for the best part of a minute. She nibbled her thumb, and he bit back the words to tell her to stop. Then, slowly, she pushed herself

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