Together By Chance (#1 The Together Series)

Free Together By Chance (#1 The Together Series) by Elizabeth Veatch, Crystal Smith

Book: Together By Chance (#1 The Together Series) by Elizabeth Veatch, Crystal Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Veatch, Crystal Smith
To All,
         Thanks for standing by us through this time.  To Allen couldn’t have done this without your patience and help.  To Jr I love you.  Thank you for your patience and believing in me.
         To our soon to be fans (hopefully), we write out of enjoyment and the love of writing.  Without the thought of others enjoying as much as we do, we probably would have just kept this to ourselves.  We hope you enjoy.
         To Mom, thanks for all your support and love.  Without your encouragement to go further we wouldn’t be here now.
         And last but not least, thank you to our amazing cover designer Melody Simmons!
         We Love You All!
         C rystal and Liz
         Keira has been running her entire adult life from the nightmares that seem to come true when she awakens from sleep.  Never waking up in the same place more than twice she never has never had the chance to make a life for herself.  To meet friends or to even maintain a job.  She has lived a life of feeling alone, tired, and scared. 
         After once again waking up to a nightmare come true and running for her chaser, she meets her savior.  A pit bull named Chance.  Chance immediately offers her a feeling of stability, safety and love. 
         Chance has a master.  Connor never imagined when he was sent to protect and train Keira for what was to come he would fall in love with her, much less to become her mate.  The only problem Connor has is if he chooses to become her mate, it is for life.
         Will Connor do what he was sent to do or will he carry out his orders and become Keira’s mate?
         Will Keira stick around long enough for Connor to complete her training and together save the world?
         Or will Keira run from what she believes is just another nightmare?
    Chapter 1
          On a late and un-spring like bitterly cold evening in April, Keira woke from yet another nightmare.  Drenched in sweat, her body still trembled from the dream that remained deep within.  Blinking her eyes several times to adjust to the bright light, she found herself in yet another strange place. 
         Her eyes traveled her surroundings.  Once again she had laid down for a nap and then woken up in a place that didn't belong to her.  Panicking she jumped from the bed and ran for the door carefully turning the knob to peek out to the hallway.  After making sure the coast was clear she ran down the hall to the nearest door with the exit sign above it.  A fire escape.  Stepping outside she quickly but cautiously made her way down the rickety steps.
         Finally finding herself safely on the ground, she walked with no destination in mind.   Now realizing she wore nothing more than a hoody a pair of jeans and her well-worn sneakers, she was freezing.  She placed her hands into her jean pockets in an attempt to warm her hands.
         Her mind raced a mile a minute as she went over the nightmare she had just had.  Over the past few years she had begun to live the nightmares almost right after she had dreamed them.  This was a nightmare she was not looking forward to and hoping it stayed a nightmare forever.  Shivering she wasn’t sure if the chill racing through her body was from the weather or from the dream.
         She passed an alley and with the sudden de ja vu feeling hitting her she stopped.  She looked down the alley to the busy street at the other end.  Nothing looked out of sorts.  Not like in her dream. 
         The wind began to pick up as she stepped down the darken path in front of her.  She stopped.  Hesitating she took a deep breath and then turned to look over her

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