The Gantean (Tales of Blood & Light Book 1)

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Book: The Gantean (Tales of Blood & Light Book 1) by Emily June Street Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily June Street
had used to open his letters.
    “How is it used to send messages?”
    “Oh, it’s easy. Once you have the attention of the one with whom you wish to communicate, you simply slide it into your hand and make certain gestures, depending on what you wish to convey.”
    “Like what?” I pressed. “How would you say ‘yes,’ for instance?”
    “Why? Did you see Stesichore signaling with her knife already?” Ghilene’s voice rose.
    I shook my head. “No, I only wished to understand how the signaling is done. In case I see it in the future.”
    “The idea is to do it so delicately no one sees.” Ghilene lifted her right hand. “But look. If I slide it like so, into the palm of my hand, and then turn it outwards, once, with my fingers pointed down, that means yes . If I do a flash with my fingers pointed directly at my body, that means no . What did you see her do?”
    “She didn’t do anything. I only heard her speaking. I don’t even know if it had anything to do with a knife.” But I gathered Costas expected me to have such a blade, and apparently he thought I had the knowledge to speak to him with it. Why? “Where do you get such a blade?” I wondered.
    “Oh, they are always gifts.” Ghilene flicked her hand, and the little dagger disappeared up her sleeve. “A girl receives them from her brother, or if she has one, her lover or husband. Culan gave me mine when I came of age.”
    I frowned. I had no knife to signal Costas my intention. “I see.”
    “Where did he go; did you see?” Ghilene asked, scanning the ballroom. “I hope he hasn’t run off with Stesichore.”
    The weighty awareness of Costas Galatien had not left me since I first laid eyes upon him. When he stood anywhere near, my internal senses knew his exact location as though a string connected us. I pointed to where he stood beside the musician’s area speaking to the conductor.
    Ghilene hurried towards Costas, intent on attracting his notice before the next dancing set began.
    I turned back to the tables, searching for the meats and cheeses. None of the serving knives were exactly like the woman’s knife Ghilene had displayed, but I found a small silver utensil amongst the soft cheeses that would serve. I slipped the little thing up my sleeve, practicing the move that Ghilene had shown me until I had it smooth. Then I went in search of a suitable position where Costas Galatien could see me as he danced with Ghilene. The perfect time to signal would be when they danced with Ghilene’s back towards me, as Costas would face me square on and surely not miss the gesture. I stood directly across the dancing floor from the musician’s area and checked both shoulders, just to make certain no one observed me.
    Costas turned; I caught his eye. I dropped my gaze to my hands and hurriedly slid the knife into my right palm, flashing it in the signal for “yes.”
    Costas gave the slightest inclination of his head, though to anyone observing, it would have only appeared he shifted his focus to Ghilene’s bright face.
    T wo more hours passed , and my eyelids grew heavy. Ghilene and her brother were involved in some sort of game played with a deck of cards and several rocks spread out over the table. When the activity finished, Ghilene glided over to me, her face a curious blend of interest and dismay.
    I lifted my head and attempted to clear it. “Are you ready to retire?” I asked.
    “What do you suppose it means: you will achieve the true desire of your heart but not the acknowledged one?”
    I followed Ghilene towards the ballroom door. “What?”
    “The true but not the acknowledged one.” Ghilene gestured for me to gather her cape and headpiece from the coatroom.
    We turned to make our way back to the eastern wing.
    “That’s what the taroc reader told me,” she added several moments later.
    I had been distracted, wondering how to separate myself from Ghilene so that I could be led to whatever secret meeting place Costas Galatien

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