A Tale of Three Kings

Free A Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards

Book: A Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gene Edwards
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    The almighty, living God turned to Gabriel and gave a command.
    “Go, take these two portions of my being. There are two destinies waiting. To each unborn destiny give one portion of myself.”
    Carrying two glowing, pulsating lights of Life, Gabriel opened the door into the realm between two universes and disappeared. He had stepped into the Mall of Unborn Destinies.
    Gabriel spoke: “I have here two portions of the nature of God. The first is the very cloth of his nature. When wrapped about you, it clothes you with the breath of God. As water surrounds a person in the sea, so will his very breath envelop you. With this, the divine breath, you will have his power—power to subdue armies, shame the enemies of God, and accomplish his work on the earth. Here is the power of God as a gift. Here is immersion into the Spirit.”
    A destiny stepped forward: “This portion of God is for me.”
    “True,” replied the angel. “And remember, whoever receives such a great portion of power will surely be known by many. Ere your earthly pilgrimage is done, your true character will be known; yea, it will be revealed by means of this power. Such is the destiny of all who want and wield this portion, for it touches only the outer person, affecting the inner person not one whit. Outer power will always unveil the inner resources or the lack thereof.”
    The first destined one received the gift and stepped back.
    Gabriel spoke again.
    “I have here the second of two elements of the living God. This is not a gift but an inheritance. A gift is worn on the outer person; an inheritance is planted deep inside—like a seed. Yet, even though it is such a small planting, this planting grows and, in time, fills all the inner person.”
    Another destiny stepped forward. “I believe this element is to be mine for my earthly pilgrimage.”
    “True,” responded the angel again. “I must tell you that what has been given to you is a glorious thing—the only element in the universe that can change the human heart. Yet even this element of God cannot accomplish its task nor grow and fill your entire inner being unless it is compounded well. It must be mixed lavishly with pain, sorrow, and crushing.”
    The second destined one received the inheritance and stepped back.
    Beside Gabriel sat the angel Recorder. He dutifully entered into his ledger the record of the two destinies.
    “And who shall these destinies become after they go through the door to the visible universe?” asked Recorder.
    Gabriel replied softly, “Each, in his time, shall be king.”


Chapter 1
    The youngest son of any family bears two distinctions: He is considered to be both spoiled and uninformed. Usually little is expected of him. Inevitably, he displays fewer characteristics of leadership than the other children in the family. As a child, he never leads. He only follows, for he has no one younger on whom to practice leadership.
    So it is today. And so it was three thousand years ago in a village called Bethlehem, in a family of eight boys. The first seven sons of Jesse worked near their father’s farm. The youngest was sent on treks into the mountains to graze the family’s small flock of sheep.
    On those pastoral jaunts, this youngest son always carried two things: a sling and a small, guitarlike instrument. Spare time for a sheepherder is abundant on rich mountain plateaus where sheep can graze for days in one sequestered meadow. But as time passed and days became weeks, the young man became very lonely. The feeling of friendlessness that always roamed inside him was magnified. He often cried. He also played his harp a great deal. He had a good voice, so he often sang. When these activities failed to comfort him, he gathered up a pile of stones and, one by one, swung them at a distant tree with something akin to fury.
    When one rock pile was depleted, he would walk to the blistered tree, reassemble his rocks, and designate another leafy

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