Stealing Justice (The Justice Team)

Free Stealing Justice (The Justice Team) by Misty Evans, Adrienne Giordano

Book: Stealing Justice (The Justice Team) by Misty Evans, Adrienne Giordano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Misty Evans, Adrienne Giordano
values and protect my country from all acts of treason and terrorism, except those deemed appropriate by my invaluable partner, yada, yada, yada.”
    They clinked their cupcakes together and Grey stuck his finger in the frosting on his and licked it off. Fidelity, bravery and integrity…he was definitely going to need all three to handle this smart-mouthed, annoying and incredibly sexy woman.
    Syd settled into her well-loved—nice way of saying freaking ancient—sofa and mentally prepared herself for Fed Boy’s mini-camp on becoming an undercover agent. Being a student had always appealed to her. As a kid she had loved the learning process. Embracing new concepts, challenging her mind to grow and awaken to new theories.
    She had thrived on it.
    Except when the professor drew charts.
    And right now the professor leaned over her coffee table drawing some kind of numbered chart that sent a synapse in her brain into overload. She may have been sweating.
    “Seriously,” she said. “You’re creating a chart?”
    He didn’t bother to look at her and kept numbering. “Seriously. I’m creating a chart. It’s important.”
    Syd rolled her eyes and waited for him to finish. This should be good. A chart for God’s sake. She let loose a loud huff and waited. Eventually, he set down his pen, tented the paper under his fingers and spun it toward her.
    “Oh, goody.” She leaned forward to read, then shot a hard stare in his direction. “You’re giving me a list of rules for undercover operations?”
    If the hard stare had any impact, it fizzled fast.
    “I am.”
    One thing was for sure, Fed Boy wasn’t afraid of her. “Have you learned nothing about me? You can’t box me in.”
    “I’m not boxing you in. I’m giving you gentle guidelines.”
    “That’s a load of crap.”
    He grinned in that most annoying way men did when they thought they had the upper hand. “It might be, but it’s good crap. Shall we review the list?”
    Maniacs. What was it about her that attracted maniacs? She’d need a valium after this lecture, but in the spirit of partnership, she’d give him an inch. Maybe less. At least she could listen. Then she’d absorb the information, break it into usable parts and do it her way.
    Problem solved.
    “Okay, hot shot. Let’s see what you’ve got.” She scooted forward on the sofa and pointed to the first rule on his list. “Rule number one: befriend Ian. Pfft, I’ve already done that.”
    “No you haven’t,” Grey said.
    Leave it to him to make things difficult. He just didn’t want to admit she already had the first rule locked. “I work for the man. We’re friendly. How do I not have rule number one completed?”
    “You need to know him differently for this. You have to make him believe you want a job as an escort. The fact that he knows you so well might hinder that process. He has to buy that you’d be willing to become a call-girl when that goes against everything you’ve expressed in the past. Think about it. The objectifying of women? When would you ever let that happen?”
    Maybe he had a point there.
    “Rule number two:—”
    “—which leads right into the point I just made.”
    Could he be any more of a pain in the ass? She smiled at him, showing plenty of teeth so he could see her total amusement. “Have you ever considered therapy for this condition? I think it would help you. Immensely.”
    “You are a wicked woman.” He leaned forward and tapped the tip of her nose. “But I love it.”
    Syd coughed, made a gagging sound, stomped one foot and then gagged again. “Sorry. Hairball.”
    Grey laughed and the easy, relaxed sound settled her racing mind. Even when she poked fun at him, he refused to be intimidated. “Rule two . Perform fishing expedition to see if Ian will offer a job as an escort.”
    “Make him believe you want, no, need the job, Syd.”
    “Not an issue. I’ll tell him I’m broke. Easy to believe on my salary. Rule number three:

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