Being Amber

Free Being Amber by Sylvia Ryan

Book: Being Amber by Sylvia Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sylvia Ryan
ago. It looked like she was about to cry from the sight of him alone. Rock assumed she’d probably gotten that way from years of moving from place to place after her parents died. It seemed like she wanted to make as little noise and take up the smallest amount of space she possibly could. He was so completely blessed to have Emily in his life back then. She embraced Journey with open arms and acted in Rock’s place many times when he was clueless as to what to do because his mere presence intimidated the tiny mouse of a woman. Emily helped him soothe Journey regularly back then.
    He felt fortunate his girlfriend and his roommate got along. He’d known many men who’d had to get rid of their girlfriends because they didn’t get along with their females. Not Emily.
    Journey had come a long way since her arrival at his apartment. What at first seemed to Rock like an impossible pairing, quickly became exactly right for him. She needed a strong protector and he was very good at the protection thing.
    He was all she had, and he’d move mountains for her if she needed him to.
    Rolling over, Rock met Emily’s gaze over Journey’s head. She was spooning Journey with both arms wrapped firmly around her. Journey looked over at him. Her eyes widened and her chatter suddenly dropped off when she realized he wasn’t asleep.
    “If I let Emily console you, do you think you’ll be able to get rid of your hurt feelings and wake up tomorrow with a better attitude?” Rock asked.
    He glanced back up at Emily. She smiled at him, and her eyes glittered with desire. He was well aware Emily loved soothing Journey. He didn’t let her do it often. He didn’t want Journey to become dependent on either one of them for touch or sexual gratification. She needed to learn and become comfortable with the process of making new benefriends. Which, he had to admit, she was.
    Journey smiled at him. “I’m trying not to be bratty. And cross my heart, I won’t wake up with an attitude tomorrow, whether you let Emily or not.” She pouted. “I felt left out, that’s all. I trust you to know what’s best, you know that.”
    He took her chin, lifting it so she would meet his eyes. “That’s my good girl.” He released Journey and nodded at Emily.
    Emily squealed. “I was hoping. It’s been a while hasn’t it, Journey?” Emily asked as she moved to her knees. “Come up here, on your knees, brat,” Emily said with a giggle. The spark in Journey’s eyes as she lifted herself to kneel opposite Emily captivated him.
    One by one, Emily unbuttoned the small white buttons that kept Journey’s nightgown closed. Her unhurried approach to seduction intrigued Rock. Mainly because he knew Emily was more of a fuck-me-hard-and-fast woman, but when it came to Journey, she was mellow.
    When Emily finished undoing the buttons, she dipped her hands under the material and brushed the fabric from Journey’s shoulders. Her hands lightly skated over the soft, pale skin as the nightgown pooled on the mattress around her knees.
    Journey whimpered at the tease of Emily’s caress. Her face was already flushed and Rock observed the slight tremble of her hands as she steadied herself after getting rid of the nightgown, and then placing them on the tops of her thighs.
    “Lay back, Journey,” Rock ordered as Emily got off the bed to remove her own clothes. Journey immediately complied, stretching her diminutive body next to him. The bright moonlight transformed her pale skin to ghostly white. Her nipples puckered as he raked his gaze over them. They were pretty, but Rock honestly lost all interest in any women other than Em.
    Emily crawled back on the bed and knelt between Journey’s legs. Reaching out, she swept two fingers through Journey’s pussy. Rock held his breath as he watched Emily lift the fingers to her mouth, tasting Journey’s cunt and meeting Rock’s eyes.
    She was teasing him, trying to get him to join her. He returned her manipulation with his

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