Man Who Should be King

Free Man Who Should be King by Mlyn Hurn

Book: Man Who Should be King by Mlyn Hurn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mlyn Hurn
of sweet milk for my
son to drink.”
    “What makes you so sure that you would have a son?” Syranna
tilted her chin at him defiantly. At this point she was going to fight him on
every single issue, no matter what. It was the principle, after all.
    “I will be just as happy with a daughter first time around.
And quite eager for us to try again.”
    “And if the second is a daughter?”
    “Then I shall love my second daughter just as much as I love
my first.”
    “You forgot to add that you would be eager to try a third
time to get the son you want!” Syranna prodded Marcus angrily. She suddenly
stopped as she realized that she was talking right along with him as if her
becoming pregnant by him was a “done deal” from this time on, which was
completely and totally ridiculous, she told herself! She wasn’t imagining
having sex with him. This was all just talk—
    “A third time? Well, I should imagine that we would be
slowing down a little. From what I have observed of other families, the focus
does change slightly once the first child comes along.”
    “Are you saying that I shall be so misshapen by pregnancies
that you will no longer find me attractive?”
    “Those are your words, milady, not mine. Somehow I should
imagine that I would continue to be interested in your body, even if pregnancy
does take a bit of a toll. After all, it is due to my child beginning life
inside you.”
    “Ah ha! So all you will feel is gratitude! That will make
for a cold bed. Then you’ll be going off to bed the serving wenches, I’m sure.
Before I know it there will be little bastards running all over Vikalla who
look like you!”
    Marcus reached out and grabbed her arms. He pulled her close
to his body, splashing water. “Tell me how the hell we went from never having
had sex in the first place to me neglecting my future family and populating the
planet with miniature versions of me? I believe the proper word would be
    Syranna struggled against his hold, but all that did was
cause her breasts to rub back and forth across his chest, stimulating her
nipples into hard little pebbles. She opened her mouth to speak but his words
stopped her.
    “And another thing, Lady Syranna, I do not have
indiscriminate sex with my servants…not in the past nor in the future.”
    Syranna stared up at Marcus’ angry face. She struggled one
more time, but that only made her aware of how his hard cock was pressed
against her between their bodies. “Very well, I apologize for that statement.”
    “I am quite confident that your charms shall keep me
ensnared for at least thirty years, quite possibly a good deal longer.” He
moved his hands to cup her ass, pulling her closer and upward. There was no
missing the prodding head of his cock against her slick pussy lips. She knew
that if he entered her then he would undoubtedly know exactly how much—
    “Oh God!” Syranna cried out as her flesh seemed to part,
muscles relaxing, and the head of his cock pushed into her body.
    “Yes, my love, this is inevitable. Your father knew that,
which is why he sent you to me.”
    “He didn’t—wouldn’t—do that to me!” Syranna cried out again
as he pushed farther into her body. Her hands lifted to curl into his shoulder
    “Yes! I looked at the document quite closely. I believe he
sent it shortly before the end of the wars. He knew the outcome and by asking
Ralus to send you back to Vikalla, he knew what would happen. Your father wants
us to rule Vikalla together.”
    “I am sure you are wrong,” Syranna argued, but her voice
sounded weak and unconvincing to her ears. Her body was opening more each
moment, admitting his big, thick flesh farther into her tight cunt. She could
feel her body relaxing as if her muscles, nerves—every fiber of her very
being—was swaying under his persuasive and convincing words. Or maybe it was
his body that was seducing her.
    “Your body seems to know the correct answer even if your
head does

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