The Weapon Bearer (Book 1)
the blade into your hands and she will place her hands over yours. Concentrate on the water that surrounds her body and makes it up. Water is what the body is mostly composed of, so if we move the water we can stitch the wounds back together. As you can see the water elements are almost solid around wounds. You will see water gathering on the lining of the wounds, but not going into them. The voids without water flowing as it does in the rest of the body is what we must repair. You will force the water to flow through them, to make the voids like the rest of the body. Small ones first, do you see any wounds on her body?”
    “I think her feet have sores on them, there is a cut on her right thumb, and she is biting her lip,” Kilen said.
    She spoke to the wizard then. “That’s right,” she let out a sigh of relief, now knowing that what Kilen had felt was correct. Then she stopped biting her lip.
    “Now will the water to move through them, to close the wounds as you pull them together.” The wizard spoke anxiously. It felt like it had been an hour before he finally stopped with the wounds in her body. As Kilen fixed them he noticed that there was what seemed like a green glow that enveloped the area he had just healed. It was like a fog within the twinkling lights. With each wound he closed, the wizard would speak words of encouragement. Each became less difficult to complete. Kilen was already improving the skill. The larger wounds like the cut on her finger were harder to force the water to move in and out of, but he did as well as he could for Erica. Sweat clung to his brow as he focused his mind to move the water throughout her body. The process was exhausting.
    “I think I’m finished,” he said while opening his eyes. She looked even more tired than when he had started.
    “Easy, you have a second part yet. You must give her energy. You just forced her body to heal itself in a short amount of time. You must now use magic to restore energy to her body. This is a combination between water and earth magic. When you healed a wound there was a movement inside, like a fog. Did you see that?” Kilen nodded his head in response. “That was her body using energy. Picture that fog and force the earth elements to create that fog inside her body. It will be difficult at first but when you do it enough you will be able to summon it very rapidly.” Kilen concentrated while he felt the wizard’s hands clasp the girl’s hands around Kilen’s. She jerked at that touch. Kilen knew even with his eyes closed that she had fallen asleep in the chair waiting for the energy. At first Kilen felt nothing, he saw no change in anything in the room. Then It came on in a rush and she straightened in her chair, gasping as the green glow moved from her chest to each of her limbs, restoring the energy inside her body. She let go of Kilen’s hands. He opened his eyes and held on to the water vision seeing the glow now in each muscle she used to stand and talk.
    “Thank you, I feel much better now. Is there any other service I could provide Master Parker?” She felt better but Kilen felt as if he had run from Humbridge to Basham a second time. The process was exhausting.
    “I would like any bread and cheese you have laying about, and I’m sure that using the magic has exhausted his food storage also.”
    “I will return shortly, Master Parker.” She curtsied and left the room, closing the door behind her. Kilen watched her walk down the hall and into the kitchen door with the vision provided by the water. As he followed her with his new sense he had a weird feeling of knowing where she was beyond what his eyes could see.
    “Ok, now that you’re practiced I will permit you to heal and energize me.” Kilen was shocked at the suddenness of the request. He repeated the exercise and found the wizard to have saddle sores and wounds on his hands and feet. The wizard was as exhausted as Erica was when she was falling asleep. He didn’t

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