Blissfully in Love (Blissful, #2)
Blissfully in Love
Red Phoenix
    * * *
    Red Phoenix on
    Blissfully in Love
    Copyright 2012 by Red

    This ebook is licensed
for your personal enjoyment only. Your support and respect for the
property of this author is greatly appreciated.
    This book is a work of
fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places,
events or locales is purely coincidental.
    Adult Reading
    The Aftermath
    Ryan’s Gift
    It Should Be Illegal
    New Ventures
    Expression of Love
    About the Author Red Phoenix
    Blissfully in Love
    The Aftermath

    Jenny held her breath as the cabin door
opened. She grabbed onto Dan’s sweaty hand and held on for dear
life. This was it - they were about ruin their partners’ lives. The
intense love she felt for him after spending five days snowbound
together was undeniable. It was worth this awful moment.
    Ryan entered first, concern clearly written
on his face. “Jen, I’ve been so worried! Are you okay?” He rushed
over to her, ignoring the fact she was holding Dan’s hand. Ryan
grabbed her into his arms and she felt Dan let go.
    Jenny’s best friend Kelly was right behind
Ryan, running over to Dan. “I haven’t been able to stop worrying
about you two. I had terrible dreams about you dying up here.” She
threw her arms around Dan and sobbed. Jenny noticed the two looked
like the perfect pair with their matching blond hair and sun-kissed
    Dan looked over at Jenny, his dark brown
eyes communicating something she couldn’t discern. Did he still
want to tell them? Was Dan tempted to change his mind after seeing
Kelly again?
    Jenny suddenly had second thoughts about
exposing the truth of their affair. She watched Dan hesitantly put
an arm around her best friend and say, “We’re okay, Kelly.”
    Kelly buried her face in his chest. “I’m so
relieved!” Jenny could hear Kelly sniffling and it consumed her
with guilt. How could she have done this to her BFF? There was no
way Kelly could ever forgive her for this.
    Ryan finally released Jenny from his
constricting but loving embrace. “We’ve been trying to reach you
guys since Friday. It’s been hell waiting out the storm.” He
brushed Jenny’s midnight hair away from her face. “All I could
think of was you freezing up here in the cabin, but I should have
known better with that Cherokee blood running in your veins. You’re
a survivor through and through.” Ryan kissed her on the lips, but
Jenny didn’t return the kiss. He cocked his head, his emerald eyes
filled with worry. “What’s wrong, Jen?” She looked back over at
Dan. Should she say something?
    Dan cleared his throat. “Kelly and Ryan,
there is something you should know.”
    Kelly stared at him and then glared at
Jenny. The look of hatred on her face burned into Jenny’s soul. She
looked down at her feet to avoid it.
    “How… could… you?” Kelly howled.
    Ryan was still clueless, his concern
overshadowing his normally sharp deductive skills. “How could she
    Dan spoke up, “Ryan, we’re in love. It
wasn’t planned, it just happened.”
    Ryan shook his head. “What the…”
    “You fucking bitch!” screeched Kelly,
lunging at her. Dan stood in the way to prevent Kelly from making
    Jenny cringed and backed away from her now
ex best friend. She understood this was the price she had to pay
for loving Dan, but she found it hurt too much. “Kelly, I didn’t
mean to. I’m sorry!”
    “Don’t give me that shit. You are my best
friend, Jenny. No. You were my best friend!” Kelly turned
back on Dan and started hitting him viciously on the chest. “You
mother fucker! How could you do this to me?” Dan stood there and
took her blows without defending himself. It appeared he was taking
her punishment gratefully, as if he wanted Kelly to hit him.
    Ryan did not react the same way. He looked
at Jenny with tears in his

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