Folding Hearts

Free Folding Hearts by Jennifer Foor

Book: Folding Hearts by Jennifer Foor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Foor
drifter crimi nal. How much lower can you get? Look, I am sorry, but your cousin is far from perfect. She probably left with some stranger, knowing her.”
    I wanted to smack the bitch. I knew to never lay a hand on a female, but this chick was asking for it. Even if I only considered Miranda my family, I couldn’t believe she would have the nerve to say such horrible things about her. “The person you are calling a whore is someone that I care about. She isn’t just family to me, she is one of my closest friends. How can you sit there and hit on me, after only knowing me a couple of hours, but accuse her of being easy? If you ever had a chance in hell at being with me, you just lost it all together, you spoiled little cunt. If you’ll excuse me, I need to find Miranda because I know she isn’t doing anything like you suggested. ”
    Yeah, I said that word. The word I never should say to a woman. She deserved it! Screw her and her little God damn title. She can take that little crown and shove it up her tight ass!
    As I walked awa y, I caught the appalled look on Courtney’s face. I wanted to walk back and jump in front of her yelling ‘HA’, but I kept on walking. Conner must have spotte d our confrontation, because he walked toward me, while his girlfriend ran toward Courtney. “What happened?”
    “Look, that bitch was talking trash about your sister. Maybe I was out of line, but I told her where to go.”
    “She don’t like my sister c ause Randa slept with her boy friend a while back. My sister doesn’t have the best track record with guys. Most girls can’t stand her around here.”
    “Your sister is my friend and I didn’t appreciate that bitch saying those things about her. She is a good girl who made bad choices. She is a great mother and an honest friend. She didn’t deserve that.”
    “Thanks for takin’ up for her. So where is she? She didn’t hear ya’ll talkin’ did she?”
    “I haven’t seen her for at least two songs. I thought maybe she went to the ba throom, but nobody has come from that direction in a while.”
    Conner finally seemed genuinely concerned for his sister. He began probing the entire bar again for any sight of her. “I will go check the bathroom. Do me a favor and go check out by the car. Sometimes phone service in here sucks. She might just be checkin’ on the baby.”
    I gave Conner a nod and walked in the direction of the exit.  After walking toward the back of the bar I could hear someone talki ng . When I saw Tucker, I ducked down behind a car to see exactly what he was doing. From the angle I was standing, I couldn’t see who he was talking to. My first instinct was to just jump him before he caught wind of me being behind him, but I didn’t have anyone there to back me up and he was obviously with someone. One wrong kick to my leg and I would be back in physical therapy again.
    I could hear him gritting his teeth, but couldn’t figure out exactly what he was saying, or who he was saying it to.
    Slowly, I crawled one more car closer, trying to get a better look. Immediately , I spotted Miranda. He had her by the throat and was licking her cheek. I still couldn’t make out his words, but it didn’t matter because I ran right toward him, throwing myself full force at his pathetic ass. He went down quickly and Miranda backed away from us. With two swift punches to his jaw, I had forced his face to hit the concrete.
    I could hear Miranda crying as I watched Tucker try to get back onto his feet, the whole time spitting out blood from his mouth. “Stay down if you know what is good for you!” I threatened.
    “Fuck you. The bitch deserved it.”
    Since I had no idea what he meant, I looked over toward where Miranda was standing. She was hunched over a car and holding her face with her hand. “Hey, you okay?” I asked.
    She just nodded and never took her hands down. I turned my attention back to Tucker who was now sitting down, leaning against his car. “What

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