Tessa and the Warden

Free Tessa and the Warden by Elizabeth A. Veatch, Crystal G. Smith

Book: Tessa and the Warden by Elizabeth A. Veatch, Crystal G. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth A. Veatch, Crystal G. Smith
Chapter One
         Tessa flinched a little when she heard the banging of the cell door.  She didn’t think she would ever get use to the sound.  The guards always made sure to slam the bars extra loud, like they were making the point that they were in charge.  As if the women on the other side of the bars could ever forget. 
         Tessa had received her final paperwork to get out of this hell hole.  The guard had explained to her that the warden liked to spend the last week preparing the inmates for life on the outside.  So today she knew she was headed to his office to start the process.  She would be lying if she said she wasn’t looking forward to it.  The few times she had seen him made her wish she needed personal punishment from him. Not that she had ever gotten in trouble.  She knew good behavior would take half of her three year sentence away.
         The dismal cells were always dark and the only decorations were pictures of their children.   The only benefit to this ward was the cells were single occupant.  A single cot pushed up on one side of the gray wall while a small sink and toilet was at the end.  Across from the bed was a tiny writing table. Most of the inmates used it to keep their few personal items on it.
         There w ere always the few inmates that had been there a long time.  She could tell which ones those were by the comments they made when she walked by their cells.
         “Hey pretty lady. Come on over here and let your hair down for a while.”
         “Shake it for me Tessa.”
         “Hey eighty’s baby, why don’t you come on over here and let me make you feel good?”
        This all came from the women she could only imagine how male inmates would act.  Luckily she didn’t have to walk in the wards often, but she had been summoned to the Wardens’ office and this was the quickest way to get there.
         She didn’t want to keep him waiting.  He would more than likely be the highlight of her day.  Tall, dark wavy hair, eyes that could melt you just by staring into them, and lips just plump enough to make her wonder how they would feel in places that she couldn’t see.  At least not with her clothes on.
        He always had just enough of a five o’clock shadow to make her want an itch for him to scratch. 
         She could feel herself growing wet in places that were best left dry in a place like this.  She couldn’t help it as she imagined pulling off his uniform.  Revealing the muscled arms and chest not to mention the tight 6-pack abs he worked hard to keep. She personally had never seen them before, but she had heard some of the other women talk about them.
         H e had to be a man of stamina to keep himself in such good shape. One of these days she hoped to find out.  Maybe today would be that day… If she was lucky.
         She stood in the outer chamber of his office waiting to be let in to see him.  She couldn’t help but admire herself in her reflection.  Long, wavy blonde tendrils escaped the confines of her pony tail to frame her heart shaped face. Her bright blue eyes framed by long dark lashes that sparkled back at her, while she imagined what might be waiting for her behind that door.  Her pert nose tingled above her full shiny lips from her licking them as she thought about what she would like to be doing with her mouth.  She turned sideways and admired the way her just over a handful pert breasts were straining at her uniform.  Trying to break free of the barrier of her bra to be held in those large hands of the warden as he bent his head to taste each of the nipples that were begging him to bless them with his lips.  Wow if he doesn’t hurry I will definitely be coming without him.  She could feel her clit tingling with need and another gush of moisture wet her panties as she squeezed her thighs together.
         The sound of a man clearing his throat broke through her imagination causing her

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