
Free DragonMate by Jory Strong

Book: DragonMate by Jory Strong Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jory Strong
are mine, Jazzlyn. I take care of what belongs to me.”
    His lips captured her earlobe. He sucked, making her inner muscles tighten on a cock that had grown even harder.
    She let her worries go, trusting in him as well as in her knowledge of her body’s cycles. Pleasure fogged her mind. Sharp spikes of need made her channel clench and unclench on his penis when he released her earlobe in favor of fucking into her ear canal.
    Her sheath gripped and released in time to the wet probing. Her hips rose off the mattress, forcing him to fill her more completely, to claim her more deeply.
    He moaned and thrust harder, as if he’d pound his claim into her very soul. His tongue mimicked the dominance of his cock.
    Need roared through her like an out of control fire, leaving her helpless to do anything other than writhe and cling. His possession was a blend of pain and pleasure, the size of his cock almost more than she could bear, and yet each stroke made her crave another and another, hunger for the hot wash of his seed and the satisfaction of knowing he desired her.
    His thrusts grew faster, more frantic. More desperate. His arm slid under her, lifting her, changing the angle. “Come for me,” he said against her lips.
    There was no escaping the ecstasy as he struck her clit with each hard thrust, sent release searing through her, then followed her into orgasm with raw, uncontrolled shudders and fiery jets of semen.
    She didn’t pull from his arms afterward. It felt too good to be there, and besides, she doubted he’d let her.
    At the very edges of her hearing she could swear she heard him purring. Not the rumble of a cat, but what she imagined a dragon would sound like as it lay on a pile of treasure.
    The thought put a smile on her face. She couldn’t resist the urge to press a kiss to the tattoo on his chest. “It suits you.”
    His fingers caressed her nipple then the spot above it. “But it will be far more satisfying to see it on you.”
    The words sent a flutter through her belly, part nervousness and part hope. She wanted to believe in Aislinn’s mirror with its heartmate stone border. She wanted to believe there was a future with Kirill.
    Did that make her incredibly foolish? Or hopelessly romantic?
    The sound of music turned her thoughts to Carolyn. “That’s my phone,” she said, scrambling from the bed and hurrying to the door where she’d dropped her purse on the floor without even being aware of it.
    She was breathless by the time she answered. Her heart rate sped up when she heard Caro’s voice on the other end. “I only have a minute before we head out again. Mark said I needed to give you a call and let you know I’m okay.”
    There was something in Carolyn’s voice that had the worry settling once again in Jazzlyn’s gut. “Are you?”
    “Of course. I know I missed Nana’s party, but if you’d ever let yourself get over that boyfriend you had in high school, you’d know how being with someone you’re crazy about trumps other activities. You met Mark. He’s nothing like John Lamford.”
    Ice filled Jazzlyn’s chest as worry for Caro turned into fear. John Lamford was Caro’s high school boyfriend, not hers. He was the first and only one of them Jazzlyn had ever thought was decent.
    She tried to keep her voice casual as she asked, “Where are you?”
    “I’m—” There was a sharp inhalation on the other end of the phone, followed by a murmur Jazzlyn thought might be Mark talking, then Caro said, “I need to cut this short. Worry about yourself, Jazzlyn, not me. I can take care of myself. Bye.”
    Warm, masculine arms pulled Jazzlyn’s back against an equally warm chest. She replayed the conversation in her mind, noticing Caro’s call had come in with the phone number blocked.
    “She’s in trouble?” Kirill asked, pressing a kiss to Jazzlyn’s shoulder, his arms protective and

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