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Book: DragonMate by Jory Strong Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jory Strong
petal-soft lips of her labia were parting in invitation for him to slide his cock or his tongue inside her again. Her nipples hardened against his chest, but when he would have lifted her and carried her back to bed, she resisted, saying, “We can’t. We need to go to Mark’s house.”
    There was no suppressing his growl, though he did manage to keep from setting the carpet on fire. “You will stay in the car while I question Mark if he is there, or enter the house and search if he’s not.”
    Her thoughts on the matter were evident in the way she stiffened her spine and pulled from his arms. Thankfully she didn’t speak. His control was shaky at best, and made more so by her nakedness as she stalked away, then bent to gather her clothing, the view of her rosy slit so provocative his cock wept where its tip touched his belly.
    She strode toward the bathroom and Kirill followed. He could no more let her out of his sight than he could resist the urge to get in the shower with her when he heard the sound of it being turned on.
    Not all dragons loved water, but he did. There were hot springs in the neutral territory of the portal. He would take her there and mate with her in the water and on the smooth rocks, both in his first form and his human one.
    The shower stall was tiny. And though her expression didn’t welcome him, her body did. It softened as he crowded her, grew flushed from more than the stream of hot water striking their skin.
    “It’s my nature to protect and guard,” he said. “I can’t allow you to put yourself in danger, especially when you believe your cousin warned you away.”
    “ Might have been warning me away,” Jazzlyn said, warmth and amusement returning to her face as her gaze slid to the dragon above his nipple. Her hand followed, and the combination was a sensual caress that traveled straight to his cock.
    She lightly traced the silvered wings with their blue undersides, stroked the dragon’s tail and underside before moving downward to grasp Kirill’s cock with soapy fingers. Mischief danced in her eyes, causing desire and love to explode in his chest.
    “I’ve never thought about it before,” she said, nearly driving him to his knees as she measured his length by moving her fist up and down on it, then released him to cup his testicles and weigh them, “but I’ve never seen a picture of a dragon that is obviously male.”
    Kirill braced his hands on the wall as she continued to fondle and explore him. The unseen rings beneath his cock head throbbed. He wanted to drop the magic and let her see the full truth of his penis. More than that, he wanted to urge her to her knees and have her pleasure him with her mouth as a mate should.
    Somehow enough of his sanity remained to allow for rational thought, prompting him to use her torment to his advantage, to use her remarks to help prepare her for a reality he was forbidden from revealing until she was his mate in truth.
    He leaned in, nuzzled and kissed her neck on his way to her ear. “Dragon cocks are sheathed inside their bodies. They emerge only during coupling, something you’d discover very quickly were you to enter the dragon world without already having a mate. No unattached male would be able to resist you. They’d battle for the privilege of claiming and mounting you while in their primary form.”
    “Even though I’m human?”
    “Especially because you’re human,” he said, the answer purring out of him.
    “How is it even possible?”
    Her scent told him she wasn’t repulsed by thoughts of being mounted by a dragon male. But he didn’t dare tell her more, not when only a sliver of control kept him from doing the very thing they were talking about. “Magic. I’ve got ancient tomes detailing it. I’ll show them to you in the future if you wish.”
    She laughed. “Are there pictures?”
    “Very kinky.” She brushed her lips

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