Free 101 EROTICA STORIES by Vallen Green

Book: 101 EROTICA STORIES by Vallen Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vallen Green
commend him on navigating the streets of Chicago as well as he had after only being a resident for a couple of weeks, to which he playfully responded to with a dramatic bow.
    Michael put a hand on the small of her back as they walked further into the bar, feeling quite territorial when he saw several eyes turn to her when they walked in. She bit down on her lip to keep from squealing like a giddy schoolgirl with a crush, glad for the dim lighting, knowing that she had probably started blushing at his touch.
    Despite the awkward yet unspoken attraction they felt toward each other, dinner went off without a hitch. Conversation flowed easily between them, both barely having to make an effort to keep it going. They talked pretty much about anything other than work, with him insisting that the night was for them to relax and have fun.
    And have fun, she did. Michael had convinced her that it was alright for her to drink if she wanted to, reassuring her that he wouldn’t let her get too crazy. In truth, he noticed how she seemed to be a little more uptight than he had been used to, maybe even nervous. Though he wasn’t sure of the reasons. He thought getting a few drinks in her would let her loosen up.
    After downing a few drinks, she was back to the fun-loving girl he had gotten to know, pulling him out to the dance floor despite his protests. But after a few dances, he wished he had given more of a fight, hoping that she was inebriated enough to not notice anything. He’d be the first to admit that she was an excellent dancer. She knew how to use those hips and he was having trouble controlling himself because of it.
    Jordan may have had a few drinks but she was far from drunk, and she was very aware of the predicament he was in. She was actually flattered that she had gotten that kind of reaction from him, and thought it sweet that he was trying to keep himself in check.
    She bit down on her lip when she heard him stifle a groan after she had ground her hips into his, feeling his hard on against her ass. Turning around to face him, she threw her arms around his neck, pulling their bodies flush against each other. His scent invaded her senses with each breath she took, an intoxicating mix of his natural musk and his spicy cologne.
    “You’re asking for trouble,” he said into her ear, his hot breath fanning against her cheek.
    “What if I like trouble?” she asked, smirking up at him.
    “You’re drunk.”
    “No I’m not.”
    “Yes you are.”
    “I’ve had three drinks.”
    “I counted five.”
    “The last two were plain cokes.”
    “You’ve still been drinking.”
    “But I’m not drunk,” she insisted. “Otherwise, we won’t be having this coherent of an argument, even if I had just said a few words since before now.”
    Michael laughed, her last statement giving him enough proof about her state, also feeling impressed at how she didn’t let the situation get awkward despite the electricity that hung between them.
    “You still didn’t answer my question.”
    “What question is that?” he asked, a confused look crossing his features.
    “What if I like trouble?”
    The two stumbled into her apartment as soon as she managed to turn the knob to open the door, their lips never parting as they were locked in a feverish kiss. Already knowing his way around, he expertly maneuvered their bodies towards her couch. He sat down and pulled her onto his lap, groaning when she immediately started to rock her hips into his erection.
    Wanting to feel more of her, one hand found its way to the back of her dress, fingers gripping the zipper and pulling it down. He tugged on the material and let it drop to her waist, eyes filling with more lust as discovering that she hadn’t worn a bra. His hands reached up to cup her breasts, feeling the weight of them on his palm before leaning forward and capturing one nipple into his

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