Golden Crown Series 02: The Twin Dragons

Free Golden Crown Series 02: The Twin Dragons by Rue Volley

Book: Golden Crown Series 02: The Twin Dragons by Rue Volley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rue Volley
bitch can always smell another. Despite the difference in our ages I have to say if we had been born at the same time we probably would have been friends.
    “Well, like I said, they were about to assault her and I ran up and threw the man who had her pinned to the wall.”
    “And the man with a knife?” Cas asked as he gripped my chair.
    “Well, I broke his arm at the elbow and it snapped like wood.”
    “Sweet.” August said as Cas hissed.
    “Backwards I hope, like an action film.”
    Mani looked at August and grinned. “Just like that.”
    “So tell me Emmanuel, where did you learn to do this type of stuff…you know, assaulting people.”
    “Ryan,” I said as Cas left me and sat down next to Zane.
    Mani looked up as the staff started to bring in the first course, that of a lightly braised lamb. His was placed before him and he looked at it with the bit of blood colored sauce drizzled on it and he took a breath.
    “Balls, ” Ryan said and August laughed.
    “August, ” I said as I looked at him and shook my head.
    “Balls in sauce…I mean we eat what we like here.”
    “Um, ” Mani said and I stared at him.
    “It is lamb, not balls,” I said as I laughed and shook my head.
    “I mean putting balls in my mouth in not something I am used to , but I guess you are,” he said as he looked at Ryan and Cas laughed just like I did. August and Ryan did not, but even Zoey and Zane seemed amused. I know that I was, no one ever really talked to Ryan like this and it was fun to see it happening. Mani had just stepped up and let Ryan know that he would not be bullied even at another man’s table.
    “So where did you learn to beat people up?” Ryan asked him as the laughter stopped.
    “At the academy and it is self-defense. I think everyone should be able to defend themselves,” he said as he looked at me.
    “FBI, I am an agent,” he said and Ryan dropped his glass and the wine ran down the table like a deep pool of blood. It travelled past me and I sucked in my breath. As it stopped, I saw my reflection in it as well as Mani’s. I could not believe an FBI agent was sitting in my home with Miko’s bones just outside in the garden. I took a drink and before I knew it I had it gone as Mani watched me closely. Ryan stood up and wiped his hand on his pants.
    “Well , shit,” he said as a maid ran to him and started to wipe his pants off with a large white napkin. She went to her knees and looked up at him as he shook his head and looked at me. I waved to the other maid and she brought me more wine.
    “We should move this outside, ” I said. “It is a beautiful night and the air will be nice.” I stood up as Mani did too. I smiled at him and stepped away from the table, walking towards the large glass doors and staring out into the garden as I knew this would kill Ryan to have him even closer to Miko’s remains. For some reason the idea of it excited me and if that sounds horrible then so be it.
    A phone went off behind me and I turned as I watched Mani take his call and step away from the table. He slowly placed the phone back into his pocket and then turned back to all of us.
    “I have to go, I apologize. Work calls,” he said and I nodded to him as Ryan looked relieved that he would not have to sit in the garden dining area and endure what he knew would be my way of torturing him some more tonight.
    “We can reschedule, ” I said, and Ryan looked at me and then back to him.
    Mani smiled and nodded to me. He pulled a card out and walked to me as he placed it in my hand. I looked down and saw his number and then looked back up to him.
    “I would love that,” I said quietly and he left me standing there, holding his card and a line to him I wished to keep open regardless of the danger.
    I sat in my room and stared at the small box Mani had given to me. I had not opened it yet and I was slightly shocked that Ryan had not had it conveniently disposed of and then blamed

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