Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair

Free Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair by Betsy Haynes

Book: Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair by Betsy Haynes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betsy Haynes
yet. As far as I know, I ' ll be at Wacko forever. "

    Ta ffy hurried home the next day after school to make sure everything was ready. Her father had left work early and was in the family room, setting up the VCR to tape the movie. Her mother bustled around in the kitchen, putting chips in a bowl and setting out cans of soda for Taffy and her friends.
    " Oh, this is so exciting, " gushed Mrs. Sinclair. " My own baby is a movie star. "
    " Mo -ther , " said Taffy. " I ' m not a baby. "
    Just then the doorbell rang, and Taffy rushed to answer. " Hi, guys, " she said to Shawnie, Cory, and Craig, who were clustered on the front step. " Come on in. "
    " Hey, it ' s only fifteen minutes till show time, " said Cory. " Just think, millions of kids all across America are going to be watching you !" He pointed at Taffy and grinned.
    " Isn ' t that fantastic? " said Shawnie. " I can ' t believe this is really happening. "
    " Me, either, " murmured Taffy, feeling suddenly nervous at the thought of so many teenagers sitting in front of their television sets at this very moment, getting ready to watch her acting debut. And what about Paige and Tess and Raven? Were they watching, too? She had a funny feeling at the back of her throat, as if she might throw up from excitement, and she swallowed hard to get rid of it.
    " I ' ve got refreshments for everyone, " Mrs. Sinclair sang as she entered the family room carrying the bowl of chips in one hand and a tray of sodas in the other.
    Taffy was too antsy to sit down. She watched her friends get settled around the room as if they were about to watch an ordinary show. Shawnie was on the sofa. Cory sank into a chair, and Craig sat on the floor between the sofa and chair.
    Taffy checked her watch. Five minutes to go. Her palms were sweaty, and she wiped them on her jeans and looked at her friends. Craig and Cory were talking quietly, and Shawnie was munching chips.
    How can they be so calm? she wondered. If I could just go to my room and hide until this is over . . . or maybe for the rest of my life if I give a rotten performance!
    " It ' s time, " her father announced. He waved the remote control unit toward the television, and the screen flashed to life.
    " Look! There are the opening credits! " cried Mrs. Sinclair.
    Taffy felt her knees turn to jelly as she sank onto the floor in front of the set. Every eye in the room was on the screen.
    " Bouquets and Rainbows Productions presents . . . " Taffy murmured as she read the words on the screen. " . . . Nobody Likes Tiffany Stafford . . . starring Raven Blaine . . . Paige Kramer . . . Taffy Sinclair— "
    " Taffy Sinclair! " shrieked Shawnie. " Did you see it? It said Taffy Sinclair, right there ! "
    Everyone was nodding and laughing as a stream of commercials came on next, and Shawnie collapsed across the sofa, her arms flung out wide. " I don ' t believe it, " she moaned. " I knew it was going to happen, but I still don ' t believe it. "
    " Shh, everybody, " said Cory. " It ' s starting. "
    The room grew quiet again. Taffy squinted at first, looking out nervously through narrow slits, but as the first scene faded in, she gradually relaxed and watched eagerly. It almost seemed as if she were back on the set. Paige Kramer looked like a true villain as she and her two best friends ganged up against Tiffany Stafford, the character Taffy played. Then Raven came on the scene, looking almost as handsome on screen as he did in person. The sight of Raven made Taffy blush, and she turned her head slightly so that Cory wouldn ' t see.
    At the next commercial break, Cory turned to Taffy. " Hey, it ' s pretty obvious that your character has a thing for that guy, " he said, putting extra emphasis on the word " thing. "
    " Yeah, " said Craig, and Shawnie giggled.
    This time Taffy could not hide her scarlet face. " It ' s just a movie, " she argued. " I mean, I had to do what the script said. "
    " Who would argue about a thing like that? " asked

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