Indivisible (Steel Talons Motorcycle Club Book 3)

Free Indivisible (Steel Talons Motorcycle Club Book 3) by Evelyn Glass

Book: Indivisible (Steel Talons Motorcycle Club Book 3) by Evelyn Glass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Glass
to a point that she could ask Eric, “Who is this lawyer?”
    “He’s a guy I knew in high school, who’s an absolute genius. He’s already won two settlements like this, and his track record is untarnished. As soon as I give him even the smallest detail of what we’re looking at, he’ll hop on board.” Eric turned to face her. “How soon will those lab results come back?”
    “Bridgette said tomorrow morning.”
    “Okay. I’ll get the records from the hospital unofficially. Donald, the lawyer, will have to request them officially once he’s on the case and files the lawsuit, but this will also give us something to compare—in case those records get doctored. I’ll call you in the morning, as soon as I have the paperwork in hand.”
    Susan hugged him. “You are the best friend a girl could have, Eric. Thank you, for everything. You’ve always supported me, no matter what anyone has said or done, and that means a lot to me.”
    “Well, you’re a pretty damn good partner and friend yourself. Now, get out of here. Go spend the afternoon with your father and enjoy your new home.” He chuckled and pushed her away, turning her toward the door. Susan waved over her shoulder, and she wondered what was going through his head right now since he didn’t follow her inside. She knew she’d just dropped a heavy load, and Eric had picked up some of the slack. It wasn’t fair, and Susan hadn’t meant to get him that involved; but, that was just the sort of guy Eric was.
    Like Jim.
    She sighed and looked at her watch, as she got in her car and cranked the engine. It was still only midafternoon. Based on her estimations and when the storm was going to hit the mountain pass, she expected Jim to be home sometime around midnight or one—depending on if he had to stop at the clubhouse or his office first. The hours were going to crawl by.
    She made one more stop at the store, picking up some salmon to sear and all the ingredients for a very robust salad. She’d make a nice dinner to share with Bridgette before the nurse headed home for the evening, and maybe it would help ease the anxiety Susan felt at the thought of simply waiting around.

    “Family, my ass,” Boxer muttered irritably, as he stood next to Jim outside the barn. It was hotter than the seventh level of hell this side of the mountains, and Jim wanted to climb on his bike and ride, mostly to cool off but also to get back to Susan. The trip out had been flawless, and they’d gotten the bills and blanks into the barn without too much hassle.
    There had been a matter of blanketing the floor to keep it clean and covering it with more sheets to avoid sun damage from a few cracks in the roof. With the stack of cash he was leaving with the people who owned the barn, those cracks had better be fixed by week’s end.
    However, their mousy little Russian brother, who had appropriately been nicknamed Fievel had generously exaggerated by referring to the woman who owned the barn and her brother as family . When they’d arrived around three o’clock this morning, Fievel had lifted the woman—Jim thought her name was Daisy—into his arms, carried her into another room, and had his way with her so loudly they could hear it out in the barn.
    Jim didn’t care, but at this point, he agreed with Boxer and wanted to get the hell out of Spokane. However, Fievel and his little bed buddy were in the midst of a very passionate, very public, and very disgusting make out session on the front patio of the house. In fact, Jim was on his third cigarette since the two had started the long, drawn out goodbye. He had half a mind to demand that Fievel stay out here and protect their livelihood for a couple of weeks, just so the rest of them could take off; but, the truth was, the little man was one of the few from their club that the Diamondbacks were willing to meet with. That meant Jim needed him.
    He’d send

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