Into the Spotlight

Free Into the Spotlight by Heather Long

Book: Into the Spotlight by Heather Long Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Long
throat should have hurt, but the wild pressure teased every sensation higher until she could only ride the tidal wave of emotion.
    They collapsed together and Jeannie wasn’t sure she’d ever catch her breath. They were in a tangle of arms and legs when his eyes opened slowly. Biting her lip, she waited to see the pleasured stupor in his gaze as it swept over her. His mouth softened, a smile tipping the corners of his lips. She could almost see the red stain of her blood, but far from heightening her fear, it beckoned to her.
    “What does it taste like?” She whispered the question, not willing to break the fevered spell holding them in its languorous arms.
    “Like beauty.” He fanned his fingers into her hair, holding her head as he kissed the line from her temple to her cheek. Need knifed through her, awakening the ache of barely satiated desire. His mouth closed over hers, his tongue diving in to capture and stroke hers.
    Her questions scattered under the assault. Shock at how quickly she roused from lethargic to animated under the possessiveness in his kiss. Glorious desire surged through her as his hand swept down her neck and over her breasts to linger and tease her nipples.
    Her back arched, pressing her breast into the palm of his hand. She let out a gasp as he abandoned her mouth to kiss down her throat. He nuzzled the juncture of her throat and shoulder and the mark from his bite. Tingles raced over her skin, shooting out like little bolts of lightning everywhere his mouth caressed.
    On his knees, he leaned back, fingers stroking over her skin. She stretched her arms up to him, but he shook his head slowly. “I just want to look at you.”
    Heat suffused her skin, warming her flesh until she was certain she blushed. The heat in his eyes was almost tangible as it stroked over her flesh.
    “Feel good?”
    The question shook her from the stupor and she nodded slowly. His fingers glided around one nipple until it pebbled. Her womb clenched at the light caresses, pulsing need through her sex. She reached for him, but he pushed her hands away.
    “Not yet, dear one. Now, I take my time. I want to see every reaction.” He lowered his face until his breath whispered over the nipple his fingers tormented, and she shuddered at the new wash of sensation racing over her skin. She was hot and tight, and when she would have reached for him again, he caught her wrists in one hand and pressed them up behind her head.
    “Behave.” He emphasized the word with the lightest of slaps against her pussy and her whole body shuddered. Like the bite, it didn’t hurt, but the sting sent ripples shooting through her and moisture flooded her sex.
    “I’ll try.” It was the best she could manage as he closed his lips around her nipple and sucked it tight. Could he bite her there? What would that feel like? All the blood in her body seemed to rush to his mouth, her breasts felt swollen and heavy.
    She couldn’t stop the lift of her hips as he massaged her breasts or the urge to stroke her leg against his hip. The low, intense growl, rumbling his throat as he sucked her nipple sent a wave of laughter through her. Fresh, clean, free laughter that spiraled atop the electric shocks of pleasure shooting from her nipples to her sex.
    “Let me hear you, Jeannie.” The command vibrated against her skin as he released her wrists, teasing a path down her arm with his fingers as his blessed lips nibbled a path down her belly and bit down every so gently on the inside of her thigh. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t her sex, it didn’t matter that it was just the softest part of skin, taut with muscle and sinew. It only mattered that her stomach somersaulted, and she lurched upwards riding the sensation.
    Malcolm kissed a blazing trail up the length of her body and met her surge with a fierce kiss, plowing into her mouth until he owned her breath, and his cock lined up neatly against the entrance of her drenched sex and slid inside.

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