Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2)

Free Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2) by Sharon Cummin

Book: Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2) by Sharon Cummin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Cummin
doctor was done. They cleaned her leg
off and made sure that everything was okay before they put on her
purple cast. She would have to go back in six weeks to make sure she
could have the cast taken off. Then she would move on to therapy.
wheeled her out and helped her get in the car. They went to the
store, so he could get her crutches. The people at the store set them
to where she needed them and showed her how to use them. He got her
into the car and put her crutches in the back seat.
    “ We
are going to lunch,” he said. “We can celebrate you
getting rid of the walker. I bet it feels good to get out of the
house. Do you mind if we go to one of my restaurants? That way I can
check in with them while we're there.”
    “ That
sounds great.”
was able to use the crutches to get into the restaurant. It was
harder than she thought it would be. They treated Josh with so much
respect, from the moment he entered the restaurant. He was very nice
to the employees. It made her like him even more, seeing how good he
treated everyone. They seated them at a nice table with a great
outside view. There was nobody else seated in their section. Lisa had
never been to the restaurant before and was very impressed. The staff
was professional. There was soft music and dim lights. The tables had
candles on them. Everything was very clean. It was a very romantic
setting. She could see herself there on a date.
waiter came to their table to take their order. Josh ordered
appetizers and steaks with a few different sides. He ordered them
each a salad.
    “ Would
you like wine?” he asked Lisa.
    “ Would
you?” she asked.
    “ I'm
on call tonight, so I don't want any. If you want it, I'll get it,”
he said.
    “ I
would just like an iced tea,” she said.
turned back to the waiter and ordered two iced teas.
    “ This
place is beautiful. You must be so proud of what you have
accomplished,” she said.
nodded but did not say anything.
    “ I
need to run and check on something. Will you be okay here? I will
only be a minute.”
    “ I'll
be fine,” she answered.
walked toward the kitchen and was gone for a few minutes. The waiter
had already brought their tea and salads to the table. Josh had a
plate in his hand. It was the appetizers he had ordered. He pulled a
black marker out of his pocket and smirked.
    “ What
are you doing?” she asked.
    “ I'm
going to sign your cast,” he answered. “You said I could
be the first.”
lifted her sweat pant leg and wrote for a few minutes. What was he
doing? She couldn't tell if he was writing or drawing. She laughed.
He put the pants back over the cast and sat in his chair. She reached
down to lift the pants and he took her hand.
    “ Nope,
you can't look at it,” he said.
    “ What
if you wrote something crazy?”
    “ Doesn't
matter, no looking at it now,” he said. “Let's eat.”
finished off the food that Lisa couldn't eat. She laughed and shook
her head as he rubbed his belly.
they got back to Becky and Gavin's, Josh brought Lisa's stuff in. She
was happy that she would be able to get around the house alone. Becky
and Gavin text Josh to tell him they were on their way home.
    “ Thank
you for everything you have done for me. I can't begin to tell you
how much I appreciate it. It has been a crazy nine days. I bet you
are going to be happy to have your life back,” Lisa said.
    “ I
like helping you. You were a great patient,” he laughed. “I
can still come over next week, until you are used to the crutches. I
really don't mind.”
    “ I
will be fine. I will miss you serving me lunch though. You have
disrupted your life enough for me. I want you to get back to real
    “ I'm
going to keep the key, so you can call me if you need anything. Even
if you just want lunch brought to you,” he joked.
and Gavin came in, and Josh said goodbye as he walked out the door.
went to her room and sat on her bed. She lifted the leg on

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