Uncommon Romance

Free Uncommon Romance by Jove Belle

Book: Uncommon Romance by Jove Belle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jove Belle
to join them at home.
    She was so distracted, she didn’t realize the meeting had concluded until the people around her started to stand. She gathered her things as slowly as possible, giving Kat the opportunity to call out to her like she had at the conclusion of the previous two meetings. She didn’t.
    Finally, June had no choice but to leave or to appear like she was eavesdropping on Kat and Simmons as they chatted quietly in the corner, their heads bent close to one another. Kat’s face was drawn tight in concentration, a deep crease bisecting her brow. She didn’t look happy. June gave her one last glance, then left the room.
    She walked to her office in a daze, uncertain what had just happened. When she got there, she closed the door behind her, then sagged into the chair behind her desk. This day had left her completely off her axis.
    A light knock sounded on the door, and before she responded, the door opened and Kat entered. She gave June a soft, thoughtful smile, and June mirrored it without thinking. That it was completely out of place on Kat’s face didn’t occur to her until after Kat closed the door behind her and sat opposite June. She was accustomed to Kat’s smiles being a declaration, sometimes a sexy challenge, sometimes a knowing judgment, but this was new.
    “Hi.” She didn’t know what else to say.
    “I’m kind of mad at you, you know.” Kat’s smile didn’t fade, and she didn’t look the least bit mad.
    “Why?” This should be good. As far as scorecards went, Kat was far ahead. She’d had a killer orgasm, if the noise she made could be trusted as an indicator. June was still aching for completion.
    “We could have done that much sooner, if only you’d told me the rules.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “If I’d known all I needed to do was ask Ashlyn, I’d have done that when we first met.”
    “Really?” June was amused. People always made the mistake of assuming she was in charge in her marriage. After all, she worked in finance; she had an impressive title and wore expensive suits. Ash, on a good day, remembered to put on socks before she ventured to the market. On a really good day, she remembered to wash the paint off her face first, too. More often than not, however, she rode to the store on an old courier bike that she’d restored herself, wearing untied Chucks, her hair hastily thrown into a bun, and wet paint clinging to her overalls. Though she loved clothes, she rarely wore anything from her extensive wardrobe. She was attracted to the beauty of certain fabrics, certain outfits, but that beauty rarely found a place in her day-to-day life.
    Despite all that, she was very much the one in charge. June would do anything, go anywhere, live however Ash wanted. She loved her too much for anything less to be acceptable. Fortunately, for all her flighty tendencies, Ash recognized how much easier their lives were with June’s steady stream of income funding her fancies.
    “Absolutely. I’d have called her in the middle of that very first meeting.”
    “The middle of it?”
    “Yes. I’d have stopped Simmons from droning on and on and demanded that you phone. Then I’d have thrown you up on that table and had my way with you.” Kat’s eyes grew darker, heavier, as she spoke.
    “Right there, huh?”
    Kat nodded, her mouth dropped open slightly, and she licked along her bottom lip.
    “So why did you sit so far away today?” It didn’t really matter. It’s not like they were going steady. They’d fucked. And June wanted to do it again, only this time with Ash in the room.
    “It was my only hope of maintaining control. Now that I know the secret, I would have done any number of inappropriate things during that meeting if I’d sat close enough to touch you.”
    June shifted in her seat again. Kat’s words awakened the passion she’d managed to calm. She needed to get home as soon as possible.
    “You’re in pretty bad shape, huh?” Kat leaned forward as she spoke,

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