PRIMAL Renegade (A PRIMAL Action Thriller Book 8) (The PRIMAL Series)

Free PRIMAL Renegade (A PRIMAL Action Thriller Book 8) (The PRIMAL Series) by Jack Silkstone

Book: PRIMAL Renegade (A PRIMAL Action Thriller Book 8) (The PRIMAL Series) by Jack Silkstone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Silkstone
    Tears welled in his eyes. “She wants a girl.”
    “I'm not going to lie. The prognosis for Saneh is not great. I give her a thirty percent chance that she will come to of her own accord.”
    He swallowed and wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. “We can’t improve those odds?”
    “Yes, it's very expensive but we can significantly improve the odds.”
    “Money is not an issue,” said an almost regal voice from behind them.
    Tariq Ahmed strode in, impeccably dressed in a navy pinstripe suit with a crisp white shirt and a red tie. He held a huge bouquet of vibrant orange gerberas in one hand and had a book tucked under his arm. With his dark features and perfectly manicured beard he looked every part the modern Arab sheik. “Hello, Vance.”
    Vance gave him a nod. “Tariq.”
    The doctor extended his hand. “Mr. Ahmed, it's a pleasure.”
    Tariq shook the doctor’s hand. “You were about to explain how we could improve Saneh's odds.”
    “Yes, I've been working on a new treatment that may significantly improve her chances of recovery. There's only one issue...”
    “And that is?”
    “The treatment may have adverse effects on the child.”
    Vance frowned. “What do you mean by adverse?”
    “The drugs stimulate the body. They increase cognitive function but there is a chance it could terminate the pregnancy.”
    “So our choice is between the baby and Saneh?”
    The doctor nodded. “My team still need to conduct some more tests but we should be able to start treatment within the next twenty-four hours. After that, every day you delay the choice the chances of saving her decrease.” He paused. “Gentlemen, I realize this is a heavy decision. I'm going to leave you to discuss the options. If you need me to talk through any of the details I will be in my office.”
    Tariq thanked the doctor as he left the room. Vance stood by the bed and gazed at Saneh.
    “Have you been able to contact Bishop?” asked Tariq.
    “No, he and Kruger have gone after a poacher in Mombasa and we don’t have comms.”
    “This is not a decision I am comfortable making without his consultation.”
    “Yeah, this is his decision to make,” said Vance.
    “However, if we cannot communicate with him then he cannot make it in a timely fashion. That in turn could cost Saneh her life.”
    “When he checks in he can make the decision.”
    “And if he doesn't?” Tariq said as he laid the flowers on a side table.
    “We'll cross that hurdle when we get to it.”
    “Have you spoken to the rest of the team?” Tariq asked as he lowered himself into a chair.
    Vance shook his head. “No, I came straight here.”
    “You should go. They will want to know how Saneh is faring and you need to get onto Bishop.” He pulled a pair of wire-framed reading glasses from his suit and donned them. Then he opened his book and began reading to Saneh.
    PRIMAL had started life as a small team of former intelligence and special operations operatives. Initially based out of a hangar at Abu Dhabi International Airport, it soon grew into a sizable organization enabled with customized aircraft, advanced weaponry, and intelligence assets.
    It had been Tariq Ahmed who found the vigilante organization a home on an isolated island in the South West Pacific. From there Vance and his team had waged a relentless war on injustice for five long years. But, like all good things, it had come to an end. A potential compromise by an element of the CIA had forced them to abandon their island lair and shut down operations. Most of the PRIMAL operatives were now on leave until further notice. With orders to maintain a low profile and avoid compromise, they had handed in their signature equipment: iPRIMAL secure smartphones and state-of-the-art military-grade weaponry.
    Now, the only part of the organization that remained active was an intelligence monitoring post based in Abu Dhabi. Vance and

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