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Book: Betrayed by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
Tags: alpha male, Pregnancy
fuck. He came over here to threaten
me? I ought to report his ass to somebody for this shit. I didn’t
wait around to see if he left or not, I didn’t really care one way
or the other. She was his problem for the next little while let him
deal with her cheating ass. Right this minute I didn’t want to see
or hear her fucking name, I wanted no reminders that she even
    My dog was yipping and looking for
his leash when I walked back inside, shit I forgot all about
    "Come on Butch, let's go for a
walk." I put his leash on and headed for the woods in the back of
my property. I had a lot of wide- open space in my mountains, no
one around for miles, just how I liked it. I ought to set up at my
vantage point with my rifle and shoot any other motherfucker that
tried coming up here. I was feeling that mean, the skin on my back
was itching like a bastard like I was trying to crawl out of that
shit. Who knew relationships could be this fucked up? That someone
else could have this kind of power over you? She’d almost brought
me to murder, fucking twenty-five to life or worse.
    I had no doubt she would try getting
my family involved but they could all suck it too. If I ever talked
to that bitch again it would be on my terms. I'm a Seal we're men,
we don't put our lives on the line for our country so we could come
back here and punk out like some bitch. Shaw's lucky all he got was
an ass whipping, my boys would bury his ass at sea never to be
heard from again.
    I'm the leader of my platoon, I work
with the same men on each run we make, can't really discuss what
the fuck it is I do, people talk too damn much. That's why the
fuckers tried fucking with us, what I do is top secret, it's
dangerous and stressful as fuck. So I need to know that my woman is
gonna be here for me when I come back, keeping those fires burning.
I don't care if I'm gone for a whole fucking year, you wait your
ass until I get home, not have some fucker sniffing around my
pussy, what the fuck!
    I needed to calm the fuck down, a
nice walk in the woods would do me good, save me going down the
mountain and breaking my foot off in her ass. 'It didn't go that
far', what the fuck does that mean? He put it in but didn't move?
That’s like saying I didn't inhale. What the fuck you putting a
blunt in your mouth for if you're not gonna inhale that shit?
Fucking lying ass. Same goes for her and her fuckery.
    Come to think of it I shoulda killed
his ass and thrown that bitch off the cliff. If she'd listened to
me none of this would've happened. We've been together six years,
married five, she was eighteen when we started I'd just turned
twenty-six. It was one of those ‘love at first sight’ kind of
things and we've always been tight. Our love was concrete I had no
doubt about that but this shit was something I wouldn't put up
    My wife does not end up in another
man's arms, I don't care how she got there, whether he did it or
she did it, I don't give a fuck. She had no business in that
position in the first damn place. If she'd stayed her ass on the
mountain where I left her she wouldn't be out in the cold
    I'm gone for long periods of time
this is true. Madelyn is a writer so she works from home. I'm sure
she gets bored and lonely and what the fuck ever, what the fuck,
it's not like I'm off having fun with the boys. I'm out there
putting my nuts on the line everyday and she decides she wants to
go partying with the girls. That wouldn't have been a problem as
such though I told her before to stay away from that Brenda skank;
that bitch was always on the prowl, she’s even tried getting on my
dick a time or two so I know the bitch is open. I don’t want my
wife around that shit, which I’ve told her a hundred fucking
    So she goes out with her girls, have
one too many and end up in a lip lock with that fuck. If that
wasn’t bad enough, apparently there was some heavy petting involved
too. How do I know this? The fucking bartender is a friend,

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