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Book: Betrayed by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
Tags: alpha male, Pregnancy
an old
army guy who didn't like what the fuck he saw. I've been home four
days, but I only found out about this shit yesterday. I didn’t wait
to confront her with the shit, I couldn’t. Just hearing the words
had gutted me like I never believed possible, not my Maddy, no
fucking way in hell.
    She’d tried to play that shit off
but I knew when she was lying, and that just made the shit worst.
I'd jumped in my Rover and headed to the next town over for Shaw. I
hadn’t listened to her pleas to come back or her bullshit
explanation that it had been a mistake. I knew that much, a big one
on their part, somebody was going to pay for the hole in my gut.
Since she was a female it was hard for me to see myself wrapping my
hands around her neck and squeezing the fucking life out of her,
but I wanted to. Oh how I wanted to. In the first few minutes after
I asked her about it I thought I would kill her where she stood,
that shit scared me more than the battlefield. No man wants to know
he has that in him; so instead of killing my wife with one blow to
her fucking larynx I hopped in my ride and went on the hunt for the
other player.
    I got to the street where he lived
in ten minutes instead it the twenty it should’ve taken. I saw him
outside working on his truck like there wasn’t shit wrong in his
world, like he hadn’t fucked my shit up royally. I slammed out of
my truck and headed for him on the run with pure murder in my
heart, this was it. I hadn’t been sure what I was going to do when
I saw him, but seeing him looking so nonchalant while my world was
in tatters at my fucking feet was the last straw.
    The fuck saw me coming and some
sixth sense must've warned him because he tried to run. Either that
or my wife had called and warned him. That thought just enraged me
even more, if she had spoken to him again after what the fuck they
had done I would kill her ass no joke. “Hey let me explain…” he
tried evading me but he was no match for my anger.
    “Save your fucking breath asshole,
you put hands on what’s mine, now you fucking die.” I collared his
ass and gave him a beat down. His pleas fell on death ears, and of
he threw a punch I never felt it. The neighbors came running when
they heard all the noise and pulled me off him. I left him slumped
over the open hood of his truck and headed for my jeep.
    Then I went back and dealt with her
cheating ass. I barely controlled myself, she only got a hand
around the throat while I told her what the fuck I thought of her
ass. Then I threw the bitch out of my house. I wasn't done with her
ass though, not by a long shot. For as long as I felt this pain she
was going to pay and if I ever saw his ass again I’ll be sure to
finish the job.

Chapter 3
    It's fucked that I have to come home
to this. I’d been looking forward to being with my girl after the
team and I got back from Central America where we had to rescue the
ambassador’s daughter from guerrillas who were looking for a trade.
It was a land and sea effort that took days of planning and weeks
to carry out since the fuckers changed location every day or so. In
the end we'd got the girl, and they'd traded their lives for their
greed and stupidity.
    I'd been looking forward to some
home cooking and some loving Hearst style. My girl and I could get
pretty wild, especially when I had just returned after a long haul.
When I thought of her letting him touch her I wanted to throw up
and kill them both all at the same time. I'm the only man to ever
have her, at least that's what she would have me believe but I no
longer knew what to believe. I'd trusted her, all those times I’d
been gone I’d always believed my baby would never do me wrong;
looks like I was a fool.
    I let Butch run around and do his
thing while I tried to get my head clear. No one trained me for
this shit, when I was in the zone my heart wasn’t in that shit. I
was on the job taking care of business, it’s what I was trained to
do. This shit was a

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