The Half Dwarf Prince: 02 - The Dwarf War

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Book: The Half Dwarf Prince: 02 - The Dwarf War by J. M. Fosberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. M. Fosberg
don’t want to be running around without armor on,” he said.
    “I can make this nearly weightless if you want,” Anwar offered.
    “No, just make it defend against that magic. Wearing armor all the time makes me stronger ; it won’t help if it’s weightless,” Kraft argued.
    Anwar smiled and nodded. He missed being around the sturdy, crass dwarves. He sprinkled diamond dust on the armor, making it resistant to magic and indestructible, then he handed it back.
    “Do you have a crossbow with you?” Anwar asked.
    “They brought up more than we needed earlier. Any of them will do,” Kraft said, picking up one of the extra crossbows that was lying over by the door.
    Anwar took the crossbow and laid it on the table. He looked up and smiled at Kraft before looking back down at the weapon. He took a pinch of a black powder out of a small pouch on his belt. He sprinkled the powder over the crossbow , poured his magic into the weapon, and imposed his will on it. The powder was absorbed and the whole crossbow turned black. It was the most dramatic physical change of any of the weapons. Anwar poured a little diamond dust over it, adding another flow of magic to finish it.
    He handed the crossbow to Kraft. “Let ’s go outside, I am as excited about this one as anyone,” he said.
    Kraft couldn’t help but allow an excited smile to stretch across his face.
    When they made it to the landing outside the entrance they turned to the left instead of going down the steps. This was the big area where Shinestone used to keep animals. There was still a fence around it that would have kept any of the animals from accidentally falling over the edge. In the middle of the area, about fifty feet paces away, was a big boulder that stood four feet high.
    “Go ahead and shoot at that,” Anwar said.
    Kraft loaded a bolt onto the crossbow and took aim. He squeezed the trigger and released the bolt. A second later there was an explosion. The pressure knocked everyone back a step. When the dust cleared, the top half of the boulder was gone, and there was gravel all around it.
    “Big Finish!” Kraft shouted.
    “Oh ho, that is definitely the perfect name!” Grizzle said excitedly.
    Anwar turned and faced them all. “Well , Grizzle and Jabaal already have enchanted weapons. I already made Grizzle armor, and Jabaal doesn’t need it, so unless you want anything, Hellen, I think that’s it.”
    “I am fine Anwar, but thank you ,” Hellen said. “I will be trying to save lives, not take them. Fighting isn’t my place.”
    “Well then , I believe it is time for me to go,” Anwar said.
    “Already ? But you just got here,” Anna said sadly.
    “I know, and I don’t want to go, but I have already pushed the limits of my permitted involvement. I need to get back, and you all have your own preparations to make. Just remember, those walls out there and these weapons will give you an advantage. They will slow your enemy and give you a chance to fight the wizards. But they will have a lot of wizards, and a huge army. They are going to get through that eventually. Be ready for them to attack the mountain itself. I am sure they will have some surprises of their own,” Anwar cautioned them.
    “Don’t worry about us , long legs. You just go diddle with your magic. We’ve been fighting battles long before you were born,” Grizzle joked as he walked up to Anwar. He wrapped his arms around his friend. “Goodbye again.”
    Anwar hugged Grizzle. He hugged Jabaal, Hellen, and Anna, saying his personal goodbyes to each of them. He got to Frau. “You take care of that big brute , will ya?” he joked with her. He smiled when her face turned red and gave her a hug. Finally he came to Kraft. “It was an honor to meet you, King Kraft,” he said.
    Kraft shook his hand hard. “Thank you for helping us again. The dwarves will always owe you a debt, and thanks for these weapons. I’ll do my best to honor you with them.”
    “That’s all I can

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