The Half Dwarf Prince: 02 - The Dwarf War

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Book: The Half Dwarf Prince: 02 - The Dwarf War by J. M. Fosberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. M. Fosberg
ask,” Anwar said.
    He turned to Grizzle and Jabaal. He winked at them and then disappeared.

Chapter Eight
New Recruits
    Bergmann woke up just as the sun was coming up over the horizon. The little bit of light that was starting to filter through the window had been enough to wake him. He had been rolling around on the huge, pillowed bed for half an hour. The mattress was way too soft, and it didn’t support his body. He had even thrown all of the covers onto the floor in frustration, after they had become tangled around him as he shifted in the bed, trying to get comfortable. Eventually he abandoned the bed and had fallen fast asleep on a thick rug on the floor.
    He got up now, sliding on his leather armor that would also serve as padding for his plate if he needed to wear that. As a last -minute debate played out in his mind, he decided to wear the plate. He was going to meet with the commanders of the human army and see what these soldiers had to offer. He decided he should make an impression. 
    He walked out of his room to find a man waiting in a chair outside his door. “What are you doing ?” he asked the man as he stood up.
    “My name is Rupert , sir. I am your personal attendant. I will see to all of your needs during your time here in Portwein,” the man said.
    Bergmann looked the tall man over. He had a ball of curls on top of his head. He had never seen hair that curled so tightly. He had brown eyes whose expression suggested this man was much more sure of himself than he appeared. He made a point of being submissive and seeming weak, but his eyes gave him away.
    “And report back to your king everything I do ,” Bergmann said.
    Rupert started to respond, but Bergmann cut him off. “Don’t try to lie to me. Your eyes gave you away; you should work on that. Don’t worry, you can follow me around and bring me food and drink. You can report whatever you want to that pathetic king. I might even let you wipe my arse for me.”
    “If that is your wish , sir,” Rupert said without even flinching.
    Bergmann couldn’t help but laugh. “You know your job, and you can keep you r head about you—that’s more than I can say for your king. Well, let’s get going, then. For now, you will be my guide. I want to go to where the troops will assemble.”
    “I would be happy to guide you , sir, but I feel I should inform you that they will not be ready for a few hours yet,” Rupert said.
    “Of course they won ’t. I want to see how they operate, though. I won’t go in there and see what they plan for me to see. If I show up early I get to see how skilled the commanders are at moving their troops. I will see how organized the units are. What good does it do to see a bunch of men standing in a line? What good is it seeing men do some drills that they have rehearsed? No, I don’t want to see the frosting. I want to see what they are hiding under it. You already understand all this though, don’t you?”
    Rupert avoided the question. “Will you not be taking breakfast then, King Bergmann?”
    “I don’t want the king ’s pretty plates. I am sure you know somewhere near our destination where we can get something to eat,” Bergmann responded.
    “I may know a place,” Rupert said. “Should we go and gather your guard, or shall I summon some of the palace guards?” Rupert asked.
    “My dwarves know their job. Leave the guards. Let ’s go get something to eat,” he told the tall, curly-headed man.
    “As you wish . If you will follow me, King Bergmann,” Rupert said, turning and heading down the hallway.
    At least he is not calling me Your Highness, or any of those other fluff names that the human kings were so fond of , Bergmann thought. He followed the man through the halls of the palace. He passed the ridiculously colorful banners hanging on the walls. He couldn’t help but take notice of one. It depicted a line of men on horseback, chasing dwarves. The dwarves had dropped their weapons and

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