The Half Dwarf Prince: 02 - The Dwarf War

Free The Half Dwarf Prince: 02 - The Dwarf War by J. M. Fosberg

Book: The Half Dwarf Prince: 02 - The Dwarf War by J. M. Fosberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. M. Fosberg
with that blade, it will begin absorbing the heat. It will actually absorb heat from anything it touches, so if you rested the blade against a person it would actually begin freezing them to death. It will also suck in other heat sources, as you saw. It can be used to catch fireballs thrown by wizards, or it can quickly put out fires. I am sure you will think of other uses for it in time. It cannot be destroyed, and can also cut through a magic shield,” Anwar said with a smile. He was pretty proud of that sword.
    “It needs a name,” Kraft said.
    “Heat Taker,” she said, looking at the blue blade in front of her. “Thank you, Anwar.”
    “Oh , we’re not done yet. Your armor is simple, so we will get to that last. You mind if I use my own idea on the crossbow?” he asked.
    “It worked with the sword . I’ll trust your judgment,” she said with a smile.
    They all watched as he loaded the crossbow. He sprinkled a bit of diamond dust over it, but this time , as the dust was dissolving, he fired it. He cranked it immediately and then magically transported the bolt back onto the crossbow. He sprinkled a little more diamond dust on it. When it dissolved he handed it to Frau.
    “Try it.”
    She pointed the crossbow at the wall and fired. The bolt flew forward, slamming into the wall at incredible speed. A chunk of the wall broke off.
    “It’s amazing ,” she said to Anwar. The crossbow was very small—only about twelve inches long and six inches across. It hadn’t originally been very strong, but it was useful in a pinch and was conveniently carried. She realized that Anwar was smiling at her. “What?”
    “Look down,” was all he said. She did and realized that the crossbow was already loaded. “That is the magic of the item. It is similar to Rundo’s daggers. When you fire it, the bolt will return to the crossbow after it stops, and it will return in the loaded position. You can still unload it if you want, but when it is loaded it will always reload itself when fired.”
    He turned to her leather armor , sprinkled diamond dust over it, and reached out with his magic. When the dust dissolved, he lifted it up and handed it to her.
    “I think you’re all set.”
    “Thank you again, Anwar. I can’t even begin to repay you,” she said.
    “Stay alive, and we can call it even,” he answered. “All right, King Kraft, you’re up,” Anwar said, turning to the Haufen king.
    “Well , I was going to say the same thing as Frau, but seeing what you did for her, I think I will just leave it to your judgment. I think I would like a crossbow, though,” Kraft said.
    “Ok ay, well, let’s start with your sword,” he said.
    Kraft slid his short sword out and handed the hilt to Anwar. Anwar pulled a small yellow citrine from the pouch of gems on his belt. He laid the stone on the blade of the sword. He began pouring his magic into the blade, and as the stone was absorbed into the steel Anwar shot electricity into the blade. He sprinkled the diamond dust on the yellow-tinted steel of the sword and made it indestructible.
    He handed the sword back to the king. “We can’t really test this one. I am sure you can guess what the sword will do, but let me explain it. This sword is imbued with electricity. If you penetrate it into someone’s body it will rack their body with surges of electricity. Like the others, the less contact, the less extreme the effect. If you simply touch someone with the blade, it will shock them; it might render them unconscious, or it might leave them on the ground in extreme pain from being shocked.”
    Kraft took the sword by the hilt and stared down at the yellow -tinted blade. “Heartstopper,” he said more to himself than anyone else.
    “That fits,” Anwar said. “I will do your armor next. The crossbow will be last —what I have planned for that will require us to go outside to test it.”
    Kraft looked up and smiled. Kraft unbuckled his plate and handed it to Anwar. “I

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