A Chance Encounter

Free A Chance Encounter by Lindsay McKenna

Book: A Chance Encounter by Lindsay McKenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsay McKenna
lit. Someone could jump you.” He scowled. “How many threatening phone calls did you receive today?”
    She shrugged. “A few.”
    “All right, four.”
    “Same person or different ones?”
    “I—I think it was the same man each time.”
    “That one who said he’d burn down your store?”
    She nodded, chewing on her lower lip, touched by his concern. “I’m sure he’s just some crackpot, Taylor. I’ll be okay. The crime rate in Rio Conchos is very low, let me assure you. Even for a town of fifty thousand.”
    He crossed his arms over his chest, dissatisfied with her answer. “Now you listen carefully to me. I’ve spent seven years working with one of the best police departments in America. I’ve seen all kinds of crime, Katie, so take it from me. You can’t just shrug off anonymous phone calls and insist that they’re meaningless. I think you should call the police and—”
    “Taylor, I told you I’ll deal with the threat in my own way. Trust me, please.”
    A glance at that ethereal face of hers failed to ease his mind. “How are you going to protect yourself, Katie? Pretend you didn’t hear the caller’s threats?” Frustration made his voice sound harsh.
    “No. I have other ways to protect myself, Taylor,” she insisted stubbornly.
    “Not when I’m responsible for this whole mess.”
    “Please, let’s not argue,” she pleaded softly. Reaching out, Katie touched his arm, marveling at the steel-corded strength of his muscles. “We’ve had a wonderful two hours. Let’s not spoil it by bickering.”
    He swallowed his building anger—and his fear. “Promise me one thing, Katie.”
    Taylor sighed impatiently. It was typical of Katie to agree before finding out what she was agreeing to. “If you get any more of those calls, I want you to call and tell me.”
    “All right, I will.”
    Taylor glanced up at the old brick building, realizing it must be close to a hundred years old. Probably a historical landmark of some kind. The mortar between the bricks had crumbled away in patches. Just how safe was is the place? he wondered. He was sure it didn’t meet the fire safety standards. He made a mental note to check all the records on the building tomorrow morning. Fear ate away at him when he realized there was no fire escape. If Katie was caught in her second-floor apartment, she would be trapped.
    He placed his hands on her small shoulders, worry registering in his expression as he gazed down at her. At the moment, Katie appeared small and helpless. But he knew better; she had spunk, and the fervor of her personal beliefs gave her amazing strength—and stubbornness, he reminded himself sourly. “Just be careful,” he said gruffly. “I don’t want to lose you. Not so soon after I’ve found you.” She colored beneath his hungry look. “I’ll be fine!” And then she sobered, stretching up on tiptoe. She rested her hands lightly on his chest and placed a kiss on his mouth.
    “Good night, Taylor. And thank you for a lovely evening.” Reluctantly he released her. “Sure, after I’ve spoiled the day for you.”
    “You’ve apologized. I don’t need more than that.”
    His smile was grudging. “Somehow, apologizing didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. Good night, Katie.
    Dream of us….”
    Katie lay awake for a long time. “Dream of us,” Taylor had whispered. And every time she heard those words in the halls of her mind, her heart thudded intensifying the avalanche of emotions he had freed within her. In just that one soul-shattering kiss! Why was she so attracted to Taylor? He was a stranger to her; he knew so little of the real Katie Riordan. Worry threaded through the tumult of feelings. Turning on her side, Katie pulled the pale pink sheet over her shoulders and shut her eyes. Almost instantly, she slid over the abyss into sleep, into her own vivid world of nightly dreams where she loved to play. Only this time, her dark knight, Taylor

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