A Dark Amish Night

Free A Dark Amish Night by Jenny Moews

Book: A Dark Amish Night by Jenny Moews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenny Moews
with her life and her children’s if necessary. The thought both terrified her and brought her great comfort at the same time. I fear that one day I may have to make a decision regarding the Sheriff and I pray I make the right one. Hannah shook her head and thanked the Lord that day was not this day as she walked across her lawn to invite Quinn in for breakfast.
    A Dark Amish Night
    Chapter Eight
         After breakfast Quinn took Abe for a walk around the perimeter of the farm. Quinn was glad for a chance to talk to Abe and ask some questions as well as to let Abe know the Feds were coming.
       “So, Hannah tells me you and Millie are newlyweds.”
       “Yes, we were married last November.”
       “Well congratulations then.” Quinn almost added a “son” at the end of his congratulations but thought better of it. Even though Abe was a fresh faced pup, who was only just beginning to get his beard in, the thought of calling anybody “son” just made Quinn feel old. Even so, Abe was a big guy. He stood at least six foot four and had to weigh in at no less than two hundred fifty pounds. In the English world Abe was grade “A” linebacker material and that made Quinn glad for him to be here looking after Hannah. Abe’s sheer size was sure to be a deterrent to any would be attacker.
       “Okay, Abe, if you look across the field over in that area there you’ll see where the campsite is I found. A forensic team is on its way here now to gather any evidence they can from it. So no worries when you see them over there. They may want to come to the house to gather any evidence they can from our little visitor last night as well. I can wish now that we’d not put Timothy’s room back together now, but it just seems like the more important thing is that the boy be spared the further trauma of knowing his room has been pilfered through.” Quinn had a feeling he was somehow going to regret putting Hannah’s fears and Timothy’s feelings before good detective work, but that was how Quinn did things. People always came first with him.
        Abe spoke up in a deep baritone voice. “Bishop Miller wanted me to work on getting a crop in the field as soon as possible. So how long do you think the English workers will need on the campsite before I can start to plant the field?”
       “Oh, I’m sure they’ll be done today sometime and you could start planting tomorrow. So what are you planting this late in the season?” Quinn was suddenly very interested in what the young man was planning to do on the farm.
       “Only one thing you can plant this late in the season, pumpkin.”
       “Pumpkin sounds like a fine idea for a crop. I guess you’ll be using that tractor that’s stored in the barn for plowing, but I thought the Amish didn’t use tractors, so I was hoping you’d fill me in on that.”
       “Well, about ten years or so ago the plain folk came together with the Bishop and decided to amend our community Ordnung allowing for the use of tractors. Some people left the community after that because they disagreed, but most, like my family, stayed. This land here is hard for plowing and it takes a lot of horse power to pull a plow through it. More horses than one man on a plow can manage. Not to mention the overhead of feeding and sheltering more than twenty head of horses can get real expensive and time consuming. So our Ordnung was amended to allow for tractors for the good of the people in the community.”
       “And the phones, are those in the Ordnung as well?”
       “Yes, the Bishop has allowed for each of the plain folks to have one phone in each home for emergencies in light of the fact that we in this community are so far spread apart from each other. Some folks have ’em, some don’t. It’s the same with electricity and running water. The New Order Amish allows for those things, but some folk have them and some

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