False Bottom
passengers are not allowed to use personal phones, games or laptops on board during take-off or landing,’ she said.
    â€˜Mrs Smart had a mobile phone in her wheelchair,’ Amy was feeling left out. She was proud of her brother’s drawing, But she didn’t want to talk about it all the time. Not when they could be finding out how undercover Gloria worked.

Chapter 15
Mystery Passengers
    A baby at the next table gurgled loudly.
    â€˜Hi. He’s behaving himself.’ Amy said to the mother of the baby in the pusher.She was feeding him fruit salady mush. The pusher was blue, the baby’s outfit was blue and the bib said ‘I’m A Boy ‘, so sleuth Amy guessed she was right about that!
    The mother looked hassled.
    â€˜We came on the mystery flight and I didn’t have time to feed him.’
    Amy nodded politely. Was it worth paying $50 to fly from Sydney so you could feed the baby in a Melbourne cafe? But perhaps people had mysterious reasons for taking mystery flights.
    â€˜Was there a woman in a wheelchair on your flight? With lizard stickers on the wheelchair,and bird ear rings on her?’
    The woman nodded. ‘Yes. Wheelchairs and babies go on first and get off last.
    So I sat next to her. She told me about her accident. We were given the last two tickets but we got on first. Famous people get on early, too. They avoid their fans that way. So I saw a TV star as well.’
    â€˜Was it The Mouth?’ asked Christopher quickly.
    â€˜Of course not ,idiot. He was on our flight.’
    â€˜It could have been his double. Or his twin.’ Christopher went on.
    â€˜And you say I’ve got myster-i-tus. It must be infectious.’
    Gloria didn’t understand what they were talking about, so Amy changed the subject.
    â€˜Are you allowed to tell us about your job, Gloria?’
    â€˜Depends what you want to know.’
    At that moment, Gloria’s two way radio beeped. She answered it.
    â€˜Sorry, guys. Be back in a few minutes. Problem with a stretcher coming off a flight. Wait for me.’
    Christopher turned.’Trouble with you Amy, is that you’ve got mysteritus. You see mysteries everywhere. I bet that old Mrs Smart is just a nice old gran. Maybe she got her planes mixed up. Perhaps she was going home, and caught the flight to Melbourne instead?
    â€˜Planes aren’t like local buses. They fly thousands of kilometres,not just a few bus stops. You get checked on and off. Staff look at your seat numbers,or haven’t you noticed? Besides, she said she lived in Sydney.’ Amy said. She was determined to find out. Mrs Smart and her son were Amy’s suspects.
    At that moment, a person who could answer some of her questions sat at the next table. From his uniform, Amy could tell he worked at the airport.
    As he thoughtfully spooned sugar into his chocolate, Amy started
    Campaign Wheelchair. She wanted to know more about wheelchairs, just in case. Anyway, asking questions was one of her hobbies.
    â€˜Hi, great chocolate here,’ said Amy cheerfully. ‘D’you work here? ‘
    â€˜I’m a lounge porter.’
    â€˜Do you push wheelchairs?’
    He nodded.’About thirty wheelchair passengers a day especially in peak times. Some of the oldies like a wheelchair if their gate is a long way down.’ The porter had one sip of his chocolate.
    â€˜How do you know if someone on board needs a wheelchair?’
    The porter tapped his two way radio. ‘ The captain radios ahead for a wheelchair to be at arrival gate.’
    â€˜So you’d know if a particular passenger was on board and would need a wheelchair?’
    The porter nodded. ‘Sometimes people use their own chairs. These are fork lifted on. Or wheeled on early and folded. Others are like the little baby over there. First on and last off.’
    â€˜I saw a lady in a wheelchair in Sydney. She flew to Melbourne on a mystery flight , I think. So she

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