Bound and Determined

Free Bound and Determined by Sierra Cartwright

Book: Bound and Determined by Sierra Cartwright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sierra Cartwright
Tags: BDSM/ MMF Ménage à Trois
he’d found her, he wouldn’t be letting her go. “Then I’ll just have to see about some coffee,” he offered.
    “Cream and sugar.” She licked her upper lip. “And a pastry.”
    “You drive a hard bargain.”
    “Chocolate something.”
    He rolled his eyes. “I was rather hoping you’d select the second option that I never had the chance to make.” He moved against her suggestively. Despite her protests, she’d spread her legs a bit. Even through his jeans, he felt the heat that radiated from her body.
    “I’ll stick with the coffee and the pastry. Option number two probably has something to do with your body being naked, seeing as how you’ve woken up with a hard-on, and really, I have no desire to have any part of you inside me.”
    Her comment might have deflated his ego, but it had absolutely no effect on his morning erection. In fact, her challenging words served to raise his libido a couple of notches. “I think you liked your spanking. I think you secretly want another.”
    “I think I want coffee and a pastry, a chocolate pastry, else I’m going back to sleep. You can be a bully at a more civilised time. Like noon.” She yawned.
    “Not a morning person, then?”
    “For you, not a morning, mid-morning, noon, afternoon, evening, and especially not a night person. Now get off me, you big lug, and get my coffee.”
    “Lucky I’m not bleeding from all the wounds your words inflict.” Round three to the lass from Westport.
    “You have no idea how lucky.” She glared at him.
    No wonder she frightened the men who wanted to bed her.
    He rolled off her, but before leaving her, he flipped her over.
    She squealed, all girl. “What the hell are you about?”
    “Seeing how red your arse is from last night’s spanking.”
    She reached back to cover her buttocks, but he imprisoned both her wrists.
    “You could have taken quite a bit more.” Her skin was barely pink in a couple of places. “I’ll give you another hiding later, one that’ll last longer.” Just having her in this position made his cock massively, ragingly hard.
    Before he forgot himself and kept the plane waiting all day, he nipped her right buttock then released her, delighting in her gasp.
    He grabbed the phone and punched the button for the front desk. He requested a toothbrush for himself, coffee for both of them, a pastry for her, and he added they’d be leaving in about half an hour and would need a taxi.
    Keeping her body angled away from him, as if that could lessen his ardour, she wrapped herself in her robe.
    “Leave that bathroom door open a crack,” he called out when she slipped from the bed and headed across the room, “else I’ll take it off the hinges. And yes, I would.”
    Her response was earthy, and a four-letter word, no matter the language.
    Still, she was a smart woman and she was learning. She left the door open a crack.
    While she freshened up, a bit difficult he imagined as she’d already gathered up her toiletries, he grabbed toothpaste and a hairbrush from her bag, before organising her clothing so the bag would actually zip shut. Seemed the woman was a disaster at taking care of her stuff.
    Moments later housekeeping arrived with his toothbrush. She promised the coffee would arrive shortly, and they’d deliver it in to-go cups.
    Her eyes widened at the sight of the tip he gave her. ‘Twas worth every penny if it made Sinead happy.
    Sinead might think him an ogre, but he waited for her to finish up. It wasn’t until after he heard the toilet flush that he pushed opened the door.
    He stopped short and stared, entranced. His woman was taking a bidet.
    Her back to him, she was crouched over the water’s spray, her labia spread, her hips angled forward. If he didn’t miss his guess, she was halfway to an orgasm, one he hadn’t given her permission to take. They’d certainly be discussing that later. For now, he just wanted to see her get off.
    “What the hell do you think you’re doing barging in

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