The Legend of Princess Wildheart

Free The Legend of Princess Wildheart by Thomas Snowder

Book: The Legend of Princess Wildheart by Thomas Snowder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thomas Snowder
He respected Tangent and enjoyed having him around.    
      “Prince Tangent, always a gentleman, very proper and likable,” said Prince Morgan.
      “Yes, he is,” said Duke.
      “Hello Pricilla, you look beautiful tonight,” said Prince Morgan.
      “Hello Prince Morgan, I enjoyed watching you and Princess Wildheart dance.  She looked really happy to be dancing with you.  Princess Wildheart has been excited all day about you coming to the Ball tonight,” said Pricilla
      Prince Morgan smiled and just kept watching the Princess dance.
      “She is in love with you.  You know that right?  Anyone can see that by the way she looks at you,” said Pricilla.
      “Did she tell you that?” asked Prince Morgan.
      “Yes, she knew from the first kiss you two shared that she loved you.  It has been hard for her to go through the motions of pretending interest in the other Princes when the only man she wants to be with is you.”
      “I am in love with her too Pricilla.  It’s been difficult for me to watch her dancing with other men here when it could be just the two of us instead.” 
      “I love Duke, he will be my man,” said Pricilla as Duke held her hand and smiled at her.
      “We are all very fortunate to have found each other,” said Duke, kissing her hand.
      Prince Morgan noticed Prince Darksoul off to one side of the ball room arguing with another man, not loud but with conviction.  Duke noticed him also.
      “Prince Darksoul appears to be up to something Morgan,” said Duke.
      “No telling, he had his dance and is now over there getting agitated with that other fellow,” said Prince Morgan.
      Pricilla excused herself to go freshen up as both men stood politely.
      “So how is it going with Pricilla tonight Duke?” 
      “Fine, I am having a great time.  She is the only girl for me Morgan.  I have never felt this way before,” he smiled.
      “How are things going with Princess Wildheart?”
      “Well, I can’t say I enjoy watching other men dance with her Duke.  I just need to talk to her father and get his ok on the two of us being together.” 
      “Things will work out Morgan, try to enjoy yourself, love finds a way,” said Duke.
      “Your right Duke.  I should just enjoy the night, things will work out here.” 
      Prince Morgan walked away towards the King.  He planned to gain permission right then to enjoy the rest of the evening with the woman he loved.  Surly the King would allow him to court his daughter if he desired, he was a Prince, born of noble blood and heir to the throne of Caledon.  He could convince the King that he too was a prospect to be considered.  Prince Morgan was almost there when a Paladin guard to the King came over quickly to speak with the King.  Prince Morgan was close enough to hear what was being said.
      “Your highness, excuse my interruption, I have important news I must give to you,” said the guard.
      “Well, go on then man, tell me what you have,” encouraged the King.
      “The eastern most outpost of our Kingdom has come under attack your majesty.  There are many casualties,” the guard stated with his head bowed.
      “Attacked you say?  Who attacked us? Tell me what you know,” said the astonished King.
      “We don’t know sir but it appears that a sizable force attacked and captured the outpost with only the messenger escaping with his life,” said the guard.
      The King grew very angry.  He looked at Prince Morgan. 
      “It seems we have come under attack, excuse me as I have urgent business to attend,” said the King
      Prince Morgan nodded as the King walked over to a table where his sons were sitting.    He watched the King tell the young men what happened.  One of the three brothers got angry and pounded the table with his fist.  They were all talking but Prince Morgan couldn’t hear what was being said.  The Queen, seeing what was going on, then walked over to find out

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