The Wealth of Kings

Free The Wealth of Kings by Sam Ferguson

Book: The Wealth of Kings by Sam Ferguson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Ferguson
Threnton asked. The Blacktongue nodded. “How much of the treasury will you need?”
    “Training Blacktongues is a very expensive ordeal. I will need fifty thousand bars of gold and five pounds each of refined diamonds, rubies, and sapphires.”
    Threnton whistled through his teeth. Even if the treasury was full, that would be a staggering price to pay. “Why not ask for gold coins?” he fired back.
    “Coins are no good,” the assassin replied. “The coins used in the Middle Kingdom will be of no use to me where I will go.”
    “Where is that?” Threnton pressed.
    The Blacktongue shook his massive, shaved head. “I will tell you where to deposit the treasure, but that is all. After this job is completed, then we will go our separate ways.”
    This job . Threnton smiled and nodded. “I have spies on the inside. My brother has squandered much of my people’s wealth, but I believe there is more than enough left in our coffers to fulfill your demands,” he lied. Then he turned back to Delmecian.
    “Your money does me little good,” the nobleman said. “I have more than I could spend in this life as it is.”
    “My original offer still stands,” Threnton said as he shifted in his seat. “I know Mathias is out of reach, but I also know that your southern estate was sacked by the orcs as they moved into the Middle Kingdom.”
    Delmecian’s self-assured smile disappeared and the man stiffened as he took in a breath and set his jaw. Threnton knew he had hit the right nerve.
    “Help me retake the throne, which is rightfully mine, and I will assign my cavedog riders to you. I know that you were summoned to Drakei Glazei before your estate was attacked. I also know that the captain left in charge of the guard assigned to your estate fled when he saw the orcs.”
    “This is common knowledge,” Delmecian snarled hastily.
    Threnton held up a finger. “Ah, but I know where the captain is now. I have his location, as well as the location of each of the men that fled with him, written down.”
    “How could you come by this?” Delmecian asked incredulously. “I, myself have spent much treasure to find this information. Even today I have only found three of the fifty names on my list.”
    “There are officers in Roegudok Hall who are still loyal to me,” Threnton said. “Many of them fought in the war that my brother forced them into. They mingled with Mathias’ army. You know how soldiers talk.”
    “You know where all forty-seven of them are?” Delmecian pressed.
    Threnton nodded eagerly. “I knew where all fifty of them were, until you reduced that number to forty-seven by the point of that fancy sword hanging from your belt.”
    Lord Delmecian wrinkled his nose and looked to the Blacktongue. Then, he looked back to Threnton. “When this is done, what will you do?”
    Threnton smiled widely. “After my brother’s body is pinned to the wall above my mantle, I will claim my throne and make Roegudok Hall strong again. My brother has failed as a commander, and allowed too many precious dwarves to die.”
    “But you offered me the use of your cavedogs,” Delmecian reminded him.
    Threnton nodded. “Forty-seven cowards who ran from orcs instead of defending their home will not stand a chance against my warriors. I will give you the information, and command of my cavedog riders. Then, when they have helped you exact justice, they will return to Roegudok Hall and we will close the gates, never to emerge again except under the auspices of war.”
    “You would sever the dwarves’ alliance with Mathias?” Delmecian pressed.
    Threnton grinned evilly. “That should make it easier if there were any aspiring, ambitious nobles who thought they might like to remove Mathias from power.”
    Delmecian’s arrogant smile returned to his face. “Now, you are speaking my language.”
    “Excellent,” Threnton said. “Then we are agreed?”
    The Blacktongue nodded.
    “We have a bargain,” Delmecian said as he stuck his

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