Tempting Her Best Friend's Father

Free Tempting Her Best Friend's Father by Jenika Snow

Book: Tempting Her Best Friend's Father by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
thighs. Despite her willpower,
she felt herself grow aroused and pictured Isaac’s big, smooth hands running
down her body.
    Her imagination was so vivid that she actually
felt his fingers caress the small of her back and the cheeks of her ass. It was
a delicious feeling that had a fire burning in the pit of her stomach. A moan
escaped her as she felt Isaac place his hand between her thighs, right at her
center. The feeling was so real, almost too real. She snapped her eyes open and
spun around.
    The ground was slick and she lost her balance,
but Isaac was right there, his strong arms wrapped around her waist and keeping
her from falling. Heart pounding, blood rushing through her veins, and
breathing erratic, Mona stared into his eyes. She let her gaze travel down his
golden neck. Droplets of water cascaded across his bronzed skin, as if he had
been working under the hot sun all day. She shouldn’t watch those droplets as
they dipped lower and lower on his body, because it was all too tempting.
    When her gaze finally landed on where the drops
of water ended, she licked her lips. His cock was already erect, hard and
straining toward her as water ran down it in rivulets. Her breasts rose and
fell as she panted. Their eyes locked again and she couldn’t stop the rush of
emotions that bombarded her.
    “You’ve been avoiding me, Mona.” His whispered
words played across her lips in a sensual touch.
    He moved closer, so close that their mouths were
no more than centimeters apart. All she would have to do was rise up on her
toes and press her lips against his. She had been avoiding him, and she still
should right now, but she couldn’t, no matter how hard she tried. There was a
magnetism about him that she couldn’t break from.
    “Do you realize how hard it’s been for me? Do
you realize that the harder you try and stay away the more I want you?”
    “Isaac.” His name was just a breath of air from
her lips. She meant to tell him she couldn’t do this anymore, but of course she
couldn’t bring herself to say it, not when he was so close.
    “I love it when you say my name.” With that he
brought his lips to hers. He still had his arms wrapped around her, and ever so
slowly moved him hands lower down her back.
    His kiss was like fire, like spice that burned
every part of her body. His cock was nestled between her thighs, stroking,
enticing an intense pleasure that made her yearn for more.    
    “I need you, Mona. I need you like I’ve never
needed anything before in my life.”
    His words filled her heart, and she lost herself
to him. Mona wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed her breasts
against his chest. Her nipples were hard as rock, and when they moved against
his slick skin it sent tingles of pleasure through her. He kissed her again and
pressed her back up against the tile. It was cold and shocking against her
heated skin, but the dual sensations had her growing hotter.
    The kiss started off slow, but soon became more
passionate. Isaac slid his hand across her thigh and gripped the back of her
knee, placing it over his leg. Her pussy lips spread from the movement and his
cock nestled deeper into her center. The root of his shaft rubbed against her
clit and she shook from the intensity of it. It had only been a week since they
had been together, but it felt like ages.
    He started to thrust his pelvis against her,
slow at first but faster and faster as their kiss intensified. It was pleasure
and pain and all she wanted at that moment was to feel him push all those
heavy, thick and throbbing inches into her body.
    “Please, Isaac.”
    He kissed the shell of her ear and whispered her
name. He took his other hand and placed it between their bodies. His fingers
across her swollen, slick labia sent tingles straight to her clit. He spread
her flesh apart and let it snap back into place.
    “I want to be inside of you. So. Fucking. Bad.”
    Her heart stuttered and cream gushed out of her
cunt. He kissed

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