Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1)

Free Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1) by Rhonda Brewer

Book: Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1) by Rhonda Brewer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhonda Brewer
had his bedroom and his home gym. His temper started to flare. What the hell did they do to his gym?
    “Johnny, it must be good to be home.” Cora gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as she walked up next to him.
    “What’s all that stuff?” He asked watching his brothers carry box after box back to the home gym. His fists clenched and he ground his teeth.
    “Oh, Steph thought it would be a good idea to set up a therapy room in your house so you could get back into shape in the comfort of your own home.” Cora squeezed his shoulder.
    “Oh, that’s what Steph thought, is it?” He didn’t try to hide his sarcasm. “And who gave anyone the authority to make changes in my house.” His blood pressure was rising and he could feel his face burning. “Who the hell does she think she is?” The stern voice stopped his tirade before it got off the ground.
    “Now just one minute, young fella.” Nanny Betty stomped into the living room. Where the hell did she come from? He didn’t even know she was there. “We’ve had enough of yar self-pity.” She stood in front of John with her fists on her hips. “If I hear ya as much as speak a word out of line to this young one, I’ll show you exactly who I am.” John glared at Nanny Betty, but she could outglare anyone. “We’re trying to help ya, and sparing no expense to do it, because we love ya, and we want ya back to yar old self because this man ya are now, I don’t like him very much.” She reached out and cupped his cheek. “Johnny, we love ya, and we’re doin what’s best for ya. So ya treat this young lass with respect or you’ll have me to deal with. Do you understand?”
    “Yes, Nan!” John felt like a kid. Nanny Betty had a way of doing that.
    “There you are!” Kathleen reached for someone in the foyer. “I’m sure you heard Nanny Betty’s lecture, so there’s nothing to be worried about.” This was it. He was about to meet his babysitter. Jesus this was humiliating. John looked up as Kathleen walked into the living room. The woman she pulled behind her made his heart stop. Their gazes met and he couldn’t breathe. The name should have given him some clue. It was her.

Chapter 8
    Nanny Betty didn’t sound very happy as Stephanie walked into the foyer. She smiled shyly at the six men lugging the equipment from Cora’s van. They were doing a lot of that over the past few days. They helped her move into the apartment and she had to admit watching their muscles flex as they carried things was very entertaining. They were truly a gorgeous bunch, but none of them sparked her interest.
    “There you are.” Kathleen linked an arm with Stephanie’s. “I’m sure you heard Nanny Betty’s lecture, so there’s nothing to be worried about.” She wasn’t so sure about that. From what she overheard from James, Ian, Keith, Mike, Nick and Aaron, their older brother was not a happy camper. They were depending on her. This sweet family was putting all their hopes on her. God help me.
    Kathleen steered her toward the living room. Sean stood behind a man in a wheelchair with his fists pressed into his eyes. Nanny Betty gave her a triumphant smile as she hurried out of the room. Kathleen gently squeezed her arm.
    “John, this is Stephanie,” Kathleen said cheerfully. John. She knew that name. It couldn’t be. When he looked up she gasped. Officer Hunky. She’d never even questioned the J. O’Connor written on the top of the file. Cora had called him Johnny. How did she not know the man she was supposed to be helping was the same man she couldn’t get out of her thoughts?
    “Are you okay my dear?” Kathleen put her arm around Stephanie’s shoulder.
    “Yes!” Her voice squeaked. “It’s just well…I ahh.” She didn’t know what to say.
    “Mom, we’ve met before.” His deep rasp of his voice made her stomach flutter.
    “You have?” Cora walked into the room. Sean was looking back and forth between John and Stephanie. All the

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