The Hydra Monster

Free The Hydra Monster by Lee Falk

Book: The Hydra Monster by Lee Falk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Falk
never really died, my friend. No, not since it began many long centuries ago."
"That's not the way I heard it."
"I will admit Hydra fell on bad days in the 19th Century," continued V2. "However, it never completely died. For even though most of its leaders were caught and unjustly killed, many of their sons lived. Those sons had sons. While they carried on no direct activities for many decades, they still kept the flame of Hydra alive my friend. Finally, when there were "enough good strong men to rule Hydra, it emerged again. We the Vulture wing, are a part of the glorious rebirth."
The Phantom asked, "Are you one of those who descends from the earlier Hydra members?"
"Proudly," answered V2 in a louder voice, am able to say I am indeed. My family has been associated with Hydra for over two hundred years."
"A long time to be crooks."
V2 laughed. "And what of you, Mr. Walker? What is your interest in our organization?"
"I came here to find Hydra and destroy it."
Toying with his vulture medallion, the lean man said, "Things haven't quite turned out as you planned then, have they? It is we who will destroy you"
"Perhaps," said the Phantom.
"Who do you represent, Walker . . . Interpol, the CIA, who?"
"I'm self-employed."
"Then what is your motive for seeking us out?"
"Let's say I have family reasons."
V2's eyebrows rose. "Of course, that must be it." He gestured at his two minions, asking them, "Do you realize who this man must be?"
"Huh?" said one of them.
"You really must learn to pay attention, V196."
    Chuckling, V2 circled the Phantom. "Yes, I've read of your family in the chronicles of my ancestors, Mr. Walker. You might say there is a longstanding feud between your family and Hydra." He leaned his face close to the Phantom's. "For you are indeed the Phantom, aren't you?"
    The Phantom did not reply.
    "You needn't answer," said V2. "I'm certain I've guessed correctly. This will cause V to be quite elated, to know that after so many long centuries the struggle between Hydra and the Phantom is at long last at an end. Yes, at an end, with Hydra victorious." He laughed once again, long and loud.
    A light wind was blowing down through the brown hills and across the waters of the lake.
    V306 struck a wood match into flame on the sole of his black boot. After lighting a fresh cigar, he bent and picked up his end of the burlap sack. "This guy was heavy enough before," he complained. "Now with these rocks . . ."
    His companion merely grunted, hefting up the other end of the sack.
    "Suppose he starts struggling to get out of this
bag?" asked the cigar smoker.
"He has been rendered unconscious," said V2 from the doorway of the small adobe house. "Now stop grumbling and get down to the water. We've got to be up and moving." -
When they had the unconscious Phantom some distance downhill, V306 said, "Are we moving our hideout again?"
"You know Vulture policy as well as I do," answered the other black-clad Vulture. "We never stay in one place for more than a few days."
"Seems like a lot of wasted motion. Nobody's likely to find us here. This Walker guy isn't going to give anybody our address from the bottom of Lake LaPaz."
"The reason we've been successful is because we have a system, a system that works."
They reached the gritty shore of the lake. A rowboat was beached there. Straining, the two men tossed the sack into the prow of the boat.
"If we're so successful, you'd think we could afford a motor boat," remarked V306 as they pushed the boat into the water.
"I'll row," offered his companion.
The pair of Vultures climbed into the little craft.
When it was a half-mile from shore, they stopped.
They lifted up the sack holding the Phantom. Struggling with the weight, they heaved it over the side.
    The Phantom's unconscious body, sewn up in
a sack weighed with heavy stones, entered the water with an enormous splash.
"Sinking straight down," observed V306.
His companion rowed them quickly back to
Captain Miranda

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