The Hydra Monster

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Book: The Hydra Monster by Lee Falk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Falk
wandered around the large dining room he was using as an office. Dusk was touching the leaded windows. He turned on various lamps. Stopping at the gilt-framed mirror, lie studied his hair. He wasn't concerned about (he injury of this afternoon, but he wanted to make sure all he'd suffered through hadn't put more grey hairs in his head. Yes, that looked like a new one. If only the lights weren't so dim, he might be..."
"Interrupting anything?"
The tall police captain straightened his shoulders. "You were just learning to knock very nicely, Senor Sumter."
"Sorry," said the blond reporter. "Shall I go out and come in again?"
"That won't be necessary."
"Anything new on the Walker kidnapping?"
Miranda moved behind the big table desk. "You know we located three witnesses who saw Senor Walker and the dead Vulture loaded into an ambulance behind the mortuary building."
"Yeah. Any leads after that?"
"We've found the ambulance."
"You don't say that with much enthusiasm."
"The vehicle was abandoned a few miles outside the city. We found it a half hour ago."
"Didn't give you anything to go on?"
"It appears to be an ambulance stolen from the Sisters of Mercy Hospital last week. Nothin about it, at least nothing our preliminary check turned up, to indicate where they took, Walker."
"No ransom requests?"
Miranda shook his head. "I don't believe there will be."
"Neither do I." Sumter slouched into the ornate chair and sat with his legs over one arm of the chair. "I hate to say it, but I think he's dead."
"It's possible. The Vultures aren't noted for gentleness and restraint."
"Exasperating," the reporter said. "They may have dumped him off in the wilds somewhere, in some remote canyon or at the bottom of a river. We may never find out what . . ." Sumter's feet swung round and he popped up out of his chair.
"Good evening, captain," said the Phantom as he crossed the office. "Hello, Sumter."
Devil, looking somewhat damp, followed his master into the room. He eyed the other two men before settling in front of the wall heating unit.
"I would have been here sooner," said the Phantom. "Unfortunately, I had to stop at my hotel to change."
Sumter swallowed. "Where the heck have you been?"
"Most recently," replied the Phantom, "at the bottom of Lake LaPaz."
"Perhaps you will explain," suggested Captain Miranda. He sat down.
"The Vultures tied me up, put me inside a gunny sack with a load of rocks," said the Phantom. "Then they dropped me overboard into the lake"
"How did you ... ?"
Smiling in the direction of Devil, the Phantom said, "I had a helper."
"You mean," asked Sumter, "that dog, or wolf, or whatever, saved you?"
"A long time ago, I trained Devil to meet every I kInd of emergency," the Phantom said. "He's very expert at life-saving."
"He was able to pull you out of, the water,
"Yes, he got me to a safe spot on shore, out of sight of the Vultures. I'd been knocked on the head, but I was awake by this time. Devil used liis teeth to rip open the stitched-up sack. I got hold of my knife and did the rest."
"Incredible, senor." Miranda looked from him to the resting wolf.
"How'd this wonder dog of yours know which lake to jump in?" Sumter wanted to know.
"Devil's also good at following a trail. He followed the. Vultures' trail from the morgue to the hike district. Fortunately, he reached there just as they threw me in."
"Fortunately," echoed Sumter.
The captain asked, "What of the Vultures, senor? Are any of them still there?"
"I'm afraid not. By the time I got myself free and returned to the house where I'd been questioned, it was empty," the Phantom told him.
"Did you learn anything while you were with them?"
"A few things," said the Phantom. "We can discuss them later. Nothing, I'm afraid, which will lead to the apprehension of the Vulture gang in the immediate future."
"Got the hint. You don't want one of America's leading journals listening in." Sumter drifted to the door. "I'll be on my way, Captain. Glad to see you back among the

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