Lucky Me
please,” Mike replied. “You can’t even pick one of these up, let alone throw one at me.”
    â€œYou really wanna test that theory?”
    Jack gave a quiet laugh next to me, and I realized how childish I was coming across. Not at all the poised supermodel I had planned to be. But spend a minute with my brother, and you’ll understand. He just brings out the violent side in everyone.
    â€œWhatever,” Mike said, turning to leave.
    â€œOh, and Mike?” I said, just as he made it to the door. “If you prank call me one more time, so help me, I will shove my foot so far down your throat tha—”
    â€œOh my God!” Mike groaned, spinning around to face me. “For the last time, Gia. It’s not me!”
    I scoffed. “Yeah right!”
    Mike gave a frustrated sigh and said, “I don’t need a phone to piss you off, Gia. I live with you! If I really want to get on your nerves, I’d just break into your closet and throw your shoes all over the floor.”
    My jaw dropped in sudden realization. “I knew that wasn’t a raccoon!” I cried, practically launching myself at Mike.
    â€œWoah, woah!” Jack said, stepping in. “Calm down!”
    He extended his arm out, using it as a kind of barricade between Mike and I, just as I lurched forward. I slammed right into his arm, immediately becoming rigid when my bare skin came into contact with his. Stupid, stupid crop top! What the hell was I thinking? Mike, in the meantime, had taken the opportunity to walk out of the gym and leave me to make a fool of myself in front of Jack. I took an almost hilariously giant step back, regaining my composure and trying to stop my cheeks from burning up.
    â€œI’m going to kill him,” I mumbled. Jack gave a small headshake.
    â€œWhat’s this about prank calls?” he asked.
    â€œUgh! It’s just my brother has decided that his new favorite hobby is creeping me out over the phone!”
    â€œCreeping you out?” Jack repeated. “How?”
    â€œSuper cliché,” I replied. “Heavy breathing, occasionally whispering my name. Sometimes it sounds like he’s talking to someone else on the phone. Maybe it’s his friend Josh. That kid is such a perv, I swear.”
    â€œOkay, woah, slow down,” Jack said. “Describe these conversations to me.”
    I sighed, as if talking was such an effort. “The phone will ring, I’ll pick it up and I’ll say hello. It’ll be silent for a few seconds and then randomly people will start talking about stuff that doesn’t even make sense. Then I usually just hang up.”
    â€œWhat do they say?”
    â€œWeird stuff. Once, it was two guys yelling at each other. One kept going on and on about how the other one was meant to have his back, or something. Another time, it was like a whole freaking monologue on life! Like, what the hell? It was so messed up.”
    Jack gave me a confused look. “What? That doesn’t make any sense.”
    I nodded and said, “Told you. Although sometimes I think they sound kind of familiar.”
    â€œThe voices?”
    â€œYeah. That’s why I think it’s Mike, he’s pretty good at accents. But mostly it just sounds like someone’s watching a movie and they forgot to turn it down when they called.”
    â€œWhen was the last time you got one of these calls?” Jack asked me.
    â€œMaybe an hour ago?” I replied, shrugging.
    â€œDoes it come up with a number?”
    â€œUm, it’s a prank call. They’re not going to put their number on there so I can call back!”
    He was hot, but he wasn’t very smart, clearly.
    â€œHow long have you been getting these calls?” Jack asked, and I tapped my foot impatiently.
    â€œI don’t know, a week? Are we done with the interrogation, Sherlock?”
    â€œGia,” Jack said, giving me a serious look. “Did you

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