A is for Anal (The Erotic Alphabet)

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Book: A is for Anal (The Erotic Alphabet) by Mindy Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mindy Wilde
Tags: A is for Anal (The Erotic Alphabet
water-based lubricant.   Some brands were recommended more highly then others and I jotted them down for future reference.   The suggestions on technique varied much more widely.
    Some recommended to start in the spoon position while others recommend being on top so that you could control the speed and depth.   The whole thing was a bit overwhelming and I started to feel flustered about the whole thing.   Maybe this was a bad idea.   I should probably just call the whole thing off.   Nathan wouldn’t know any different and we could just keep or sex life as normal which I thought was pretty enjoyable.
    Even as these thoughts crossed my mind I knew that I would not be listening to them.   I wanted this.   I wanted it for Nathan and I wanted it for myself.   I just needed to not over-think the whole evening and let it unfold as naturally as possible.   With this new determination I took a deep breath and turned on the private browser function.   I wanted to do a little more research and I was always more of a visual learner anyways.

    After completing my marathon porn session and getting a little excited in the process I headed for the store to purchase the all important lube.   As I drove towards the supermarket the images of those men thrusting into the forbidden fruit of the women kept playing in my mind.   The men, driven mad with ecstasy by the access they were given, looked to be enjoying themselves on a level restricted for this most intimate of taboo’s.   The women’s responses were varied but in almost all cases they looked exited about the thrill they were providing for their partner.   That was what I wanted.   That was the expression that I wanted to see on Nathan’s face.
    All the more impressive was the women that actually orgasmed during anal sex.   I wouldn’t have imagined this possible but it seemed as though it was not as uncommon an occurrence as I might have believed.   Pulling into the store I pressed pause on my internal porn reel and parked the car.  
    Walking into the store I felt a surge of embarrassment come over me.   I felt dirty.   Looking left and right I could swear I was being watched.   What would the person at the register think.   What if the checkout clerk was a guy?   I tried to push these thoughts out of my mind as I looked down and briskly walked through the appropriate aisle.   As another woman with a cart exited the corridor and turned to proceed to the cereal section I looked up at the object of my desire.   My eyes scanned the shelf quickly and I grabbed the first brand that I recognized dropping it into my basket.   Moving away from the scene of the crime I stared into my basket.  
    The image of a lone bottle of lube seemed to scream slut and I realized I needed to add some items in hopes of making my excursion seem like more then just a lust filled journey.   I knocked a box of Q-tips into the basket as well as a bottle of body wash.   These were the closest items that provided cover for my smutty ways.   I proceeded up to the counter and much to my relief was checked out without much acknowledgement.   Normally I would have been a little insulted by the service but in this case really appreciated the anonymity of the transaction.
    I hopped in the car feeling relieved.   I had done it.  
    “Well the hard part is over.   The rest should be a piece of cake” I said aloud as I laughed at nervousness.

    Once home I spent the next several hours rehearsing the evenings sequence of events in my head.   I not only wanted to fulfill his fantasy by given him access to my now trembling virgin ass but I wanted to make the experience as hot as I possibly could.   If I was going to do this then I wanted to make the night one that he would never forget.   Especially since this might be the only time I ever let him do it.
    Looking at my phone I noticed that the time was growing near.   I had taken a shower in preparation and had the lube strategically

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