A Hustler's Wife

Free A Hustler's Wife by Nikki Turner

Book: A Hustler's Wife by Nikki Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Turner
are you doing?" Just as nonchalant and carefree, as if butter would not melt in her mouth.
    "How am I doing? The nerve of her to ask me how am I doing? This woman is so fake! "I didn't call to talk about me. I called to talk about your childish ass."
    "I beg your pardon?" Joyce said, and Gloria could tell that she was no longer sitting and no longer trying to play calm.
    Gloria didn't care because if she got out of line, Gloria had plans on going over her house anyway.
    "No, don't beg my pardon. Beg me not to come over there and personally whip your ass for going out of your way to give my child a hard time. She's been nothing but respectful to you.
    She's having a hard enough time dealing with the fact that Des is in prison for God knows how long. I am giving you this first and last warning, leave Yarni alone or you'll have me to deal with me. And honey, let me be the first to inform you that you don't want that. I am so sick of you and I can't believe that shit you pulled today, you take that furniture and shove it up your ass. Have a blessed day." Gloria hung up the phone.
    I think I handled that well, considering. I guess she knows where I am coming from now. Just then, Gloria noticed the lights on Yarni's Sterling pulling up in the driveway. Gloria headed towards the door to meet Yarni, then she realized, I am supposed to be sick, let me lie on the couch and let her use her key.
    When Yarni arrived, she noticed that her mother had added an addition to the house, as if the house was not big enough already. When Gloria showed it to her and informed her, that it was for her, Yarni got real emotional. She couldn't believe, that after being away from her mom for 2 years, how her mom still had her back regardless of what.
    As soon as Yarni got her mother comfortable, she wrote Des a letter informing him what his mother did. She enclosed the letter Joyce left on the jewelry box along with her new phone number and living arrangements. She told him that she would be there on Thursday like she did faithfully every other visiting day.
    He knew that, though. She also told him that there was no need for him to stress his mom about the stuff she took. She must have needed it more than Yarni anyway.
    The next day, Yarni called the renter's insurance company to file a claim in Des' name. The policy was $50,000, she then mailed off the letter that she wrote Des as well as some "Power of Attorney" papers.
    With the money that Slim had given her, Yarni paid a retain-er to Des' lawyer for his appeal. She set up a payment plan. She went shopping with the rest. She brought an appropriate comforter set for her bed with the curtains to match. The one Gloria had on the bed was the typical mother's comforter: pink flowers.
    She fixed up her room. She bought a cordless phone, VCR and stereo for her entertainment center, and a nice chaise chair for the corner of her room. She also bought stuff to decorate her bathroom. She bought all new personals, perfumes, Chanel, Chloe, Opium and the lotions to match. She also brought a few cases of Pepsi and Mountain Dew so she could stock her refrigerator and have cold drinks when guests came. She went to pick up her Uncle Stanka so he could go with her to the apartment to get the rest of her clothes and any belongings that Joyce didn't take. She also got her uncle Stanka to hook up her stereo and VCR. She bought all kind of music, mainly rap, but she also purchased R&B to soothe her for the times when things were rocky, and these times were sure to come.
    When Yarni and Stanka got to the apartment, she checked her answering machine. Joyce was on there demanding that Yarni bring the title to the Benz to her, she told Yarni to get her mother back in check, because she didn't appreciate Gloria's foul threats. Yarni would never get indignant. She simply told her that she wasn't giving her anything until she spoke to Des. She also told Joyce if she got something to say to her mother, then to address her mother, not

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