
Free Revolver by Marcus Sedgwick

Book: Revolver by Marcus Sedgwick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Sedgwick
feed his family, with some to spare if they were careful.
    He’d been working at the Assay Office for a few months and was doing well. Mr. Salisbury made a visit every now and again to see how he was getting on, and each time said he was very pleased with Einar’s work.
    â€œYou’ve had no trouble learning the chemistry, Einar?” Mr. Salisbury asked.
    Einar shook his head.
    â€œNo, sir,” he said truthfully. “I’ve always had the kind of mind that likes to know things. Things about the world, about how things work. Do you know what I mean, sir?”
    Mr. Salisbury laughed.
    â€œYes, I do. But there’s not many people who do, it seems to me. Good for you, Einar. Keep learning and there’ll always be work for a man like you.”

    He leaned in close so that no one else in the Assay Office could hear.
    â€œThe truth of it? You want to know the truth? None of these miners, the prospectors, are ever going to be rich. Most of them will keep finding just enough gold dust to make them think their dreams are around the corner, but they will never come. Some will even find a strike, and be rich for a few days till they blow it all. And the only people who are actually going to get rich are you and me, the people in the town running businesses. Like Mr. Earp with his saloon, when he gets here.
    â€œSo don’t fall for the lure of gold again, Einar. That’s the truth of it.”
    Mr. Salisbury left, and at the end of the day, Einar was closing up the office.
    He shuffled out through the door, turning to lock it, and when he turned again he bumped straight into someone.
    â€œExcuse me,” he said, and then realized it was the bear-man. His name was Wolff, he’d learned, and he’d also learned that he was trouble.
    â€œGot some to test,” Wolff muttered.
    â€œI’m very sorry, you’ll have to come back in the morning,” Einar said. “The office has closed for the day.”
    Einar tried to go on his way.
    â€œSo open it,” Wolff said, not moving.
    â€œI can’t do that.”

    â€œYes, you can. You have the key. You just locked it, you can open it again.”
    Einar felt his throat go dry.
    â€œI’m very sorry. Mr. Salisbury is strict about things like that. I’d open it for you, but I’d be in a lot of trouble, you see. We don’t want trouble.”
    Suddenly Einar found himself pressed against the glass of the door.
    â€œNo,” Wolff said. “We don’t want trouble. So open the door and test my gold.”
    â€œFirst thing in the morning, I promise.”
    â€œCan’t do that. Have to get back to my claim tonight, in case someone jumps it. So I need it tested now.”
    Einar thought the chances of anyone trying to steal Wolff’s claim from him were pretty slim, but he didn’t say that. Still, he refused to be bullied by the man.
    â€œI’m very sorry,” he said slowly.
    â€œYou will be.”
    Einar saw the glint of a blade coming out of Wolff’s pocket.
    â€œYou okay there, Einar?”
    A voice called from the street.
    Einar peered over Wolff’s shoulder to see four of the regulars from the saloon watching the altercation.
    â€œYou okay? Need any help?”
    Einar said nothing, but watched as Wolff’s knife slid back into his pocket.

    Wolff turned.
    â€œHe’s fine,” he said, and slunk away down the street.
    â€œOkay, Einar?” called his friends. “Coming for a drink?”
    â€œNo. Thanks. No, I think I’d better get home. Supper on the table, you know how it is!”
    â€œSure do, you lucky man!”
    His friends left, and Einar hurried the other way up the street, heading for home, while his friends congratulated Einar on having such a beautiful wife, even if she did quote the Bible too often for their comfort.
    Standing on a porch two buildings away, Wolff watched him go.

    The Book of Job
    E ven the dead tell stories.

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