Secret Sacrament

Free Secret Sacrament by Sherryl Jordan

Book: Secret Sacrament by Sherryl Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherryl Jordan
or guilt or bitterness; yet there was a deepness in his eyes that made Gabriel know he had suffered.
    â€œDo you teach all the Wisdoms, Master?” he asked.
    â€œMy brain would not be enough to contain them all,” said Salverion, with a chuckle. “Nor would one lifetime be enough to impart them. There are seven Wisdoms taught here at the Citadel: the Wisdoms of Healing, Science, Music, Art, Literature, Religion, and Astronomy. For each Wisdom there is one Grand Master, acquainted with all the arts to do with that Wisdom. And under him are several Masters, each an expert in a particular branch of that Wisdom. For example, in the Wisdom of Healing there are Masters of surgery, of medicine, of healing by touch, of dream healing, of acupuncture, and of other secret arts. Then there are the disciples. There are over a hundred of you altogether, from all places in the Empire, and at various stages of learning.
    â€œThis year you were the only one elected for thehealing arts. I have twenty-two other disciples, but they have been with me two years or more, and work now with the Masters of Healing, perfecting their skills. During this first year you will be with me. I will teach you the basics and give you an overall view of what you have ahead of you. Our work together will be mainly practical. Nearly every day we go to the Navora Infirmary. Sometimes we stay overnight there, if the weather is inclement and travel difficult, or a patient requires our constant attention. Then we share a small lodging attached to the hospital. I hope you won’t mind. Also, I am frequently called to families in Navora, and you’ll accompany me on all those visits. The people are invariably of the wealthy class, though they may not pay us in gold, only in gifts.”
    Gabriel sipped his wine and tried to fathom everything he had just heard. He noticed that the goblet from which he drank was very simple and realized that, although Salverion was one of the most illustrious men in the Empire, wealth meant nothing to him. Even the Master’s clothes were unpretentious: just a simple long rust-colored tunic with a yellow hem and a belt made of linked bronze discs. Under the robe he wore a blue shirt and trousers, not particularly well matched with the rusty red. He wore no jewelry, and his sandalswere made of undecorated leather. He might have been any ordinary Navoran relaxing in his home.
    For the first time Gabriel looked closely at the room, and was surprised at its simplicity. They were in the small sitting room of Salverion’s private apartment, made cozy by furs scattered on the floor and over chairs. Rustic hangings decorated the walls, and there were shelves crammed with scrolled books. There were small statues, pieces of pottery, and a number of wooden animals. Some of the artworks were simple and unpolished, obviously made as gifts by grateful patients, and treasured by the Master. A bronze lamp burned on a stand between the chairs in which Gabriel and Salverion sat, its oil aroma filling the room even though the door was open to the patio. The night wind carried in the scents of warm summer grass, citrus, and recently watered soil. The earthy fragrances were intoxicating after the stone courtyards and streets of Navora.
    â€œIt’s beautiful here,” remarked Gabriel. “I’ve never lived away from the smell of stone.”
    â€œI believe it’s important to have a refuge to come back to, after the demands of our work,” Salverion said. “I’ll take you to your apartment shortly. I hope you’ll be pleased with it. Your chest has already been taken there. Your rooms are fairly bare at the moment, but tomorrow you’ll be giventhe first of your monthly stipends, and you can purchase whatever you need. You’re supplied with a thousand hasaries each month. Your room and food are free. You will also be given a horse, for travel. I hope the money we offer will be

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