Side Chic

Free Side Chic by La'Tonya West

Book: Side Chic by La'Tonya West Read Free Book Online
Authors: La'Tonya West
uploaded some new photos of himself, Kisha and the boys. They looked extremely happy. I clicked on a photo of him and Kisha. He had his arms around her from behind as she stood in front of him smiling like she was the happiest woman in the world. Pains of jealousy and envy swept throughout my entire body. I went back to his page and strolled down reading his most recent status. Focused on getting paper and taking care of my fam…fuck everything else! To all of you niggas that’s got a good woman in your corner that holds you down, takes care of you and most importantly puts up with your bullshit , you’d better hold on to them. I’m damn sure holding on to mine! Shout out to my Queen Kisha…I love you woman!
    I felt like somebody had just punched me in the throat! I quickly logged off and closed my laptop. I sat there for a few minutes just trying to digest what I’d read. I realized one thing, it was time for me to forget about this man and focus on myself and this baby that I was carrying. There was no way in hell that I could ever let him know now about our baby. Honestly I couldn’t see it doing anything but causing a lot of trouble that I didn’t feel like dealing with.
    I opened my computer back up and went back on Facebook. This time I deleted Tre from my page. It was time to delete him from my life and my thoughts but most importantly from my heart. I’d known from day one that he was already taken so there was no use in me waiting around like he was going to call me up and confess his undying love for me and beg me to come back. That wasn’t going to happen.
    My phone vibrated on the nightstand startling me. I jumped placing my hand over my chest. “Damn.” I got up and went over and picked up my phone. There was a text message from my mom.
    Mom: Hey baby, j ust checking on you to see if you are okay.
    Me: Yes ma’am. I’m fine…about to go to bed. I love you.
    Mom: Love you too. Call me tomorrow.
    “Okay, I will.”
    I placed my phone back on the nightstand and got in bed. As much as I didn’t want to think about the images of Tre and Kisha or his Facebook status that was all that I thought about until I fell asleep.
    Over the next few weeks, all I did was work and save my money. I’d set some goals for myself. The first thing was to find a place within the next few months. I had to find a place before the baby was born because there was no way in hell I was staying in a hotel room with my baby. I’d also decided to write a book. I’d already gotten started. The title of my book was Confessions Of A Side Chic . The idea of course had come from my own personal experience. I figured that writing about my situation would be sort of therapeutic and if it turned out to be a good story I might could try and get it published. I refused to sit around and cry over spilled milk! I wasn’t going to allow the bad choices that I’d made determine the rest of my future! It wasn’t the end of the world. Millions of women raised kids by themselves every day and I could do the same! I wanted to be someone that my baby could be proud of though. I didn’t want the only story that people ever told my child was how I got knocked up by somebody else’s man and ran away from my home to try and hide it! Hell no! My story was going to be different!
    I sat in the doctor’s office on Wednesday evening flipping through the pages of a Paula Dean’s cooking magazine and waiting to be called to the back. This was my first doctor’s appointment, I knew that I was about three months pregnant but I wasn’t exactly sure. I felt bad that I hadn’t gone to the doctor before now to make sure that my baby was okay. It was alright though because from here on out I was going to make sure that I was at every appointment to ensure that I delivered a healthy

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