Side Chic

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Book: Side Chic by La'Tonya West Read Free Book Online
Authors: La'Tonya West
I hope so too.” I followed the nurse to the back.
    “Hello Ms. Chambers. How are you today?” The older white nurse asked.
    “I am doing quite fine and yourself?”
    “I’m doing just great.” We walked over to the scale. “Hand me your bag and then step up there so that I can get your weight.” I did as instructed. “Okay…162. Alrighty, do you think you could step right in that restroom right over there and get me a urine sample. The cups are in the metal medicine cabinet right above the toilet. You can leave the cup on the counter next to the sink. Be careful not to knock it over and spill the urine. You’d be surprised at how many ladies do that.” She said pointing to a door on the right. “I ’ll take your bag in the examination room which is right next door . Come in there when you’re done. ”
    “Okay…thanks.” I went into the restroom and got down a cup and peed in it like she had asked. I sat the cup on the counter and washed my hands. Then I went into the examination room where the nurse was waiting for me.
    She handed me a thin paper gown. “Here take this. Take off everything and put this on so that the opening is in the front. I am going to step out so that you can undress, then I’ll be back.” She left the room. I undressed, put on the gown and then folded my clothes into a neat pile and placed them in the chair that sat in the corner next to the window along with my pocketbook. I sat down on the examining table. A few minutes later there was a soft tap at the door.
    “It’s just me, Nurse Susan.” The nurse said walking back into the room. She started to check my vitals and take my temperature. She wrote down everything as she went. “Your blood pressure looks good. That’s a good thing. You don’t want to suffer from high blood pressure. So many women develop it during pregnancy,” I didn’t say anything I just listened. “You have the most beautiful hazel green eyes. They aren’t contacts are they?”
    “No ma’am.” I was used to people asking me that.
    “They’re beautiful.”
    “Thank you.”
    “Well I am going to step out. Dr. Porter should be in shortly.” With that she was gone. I sat there looking around the room and waiting for Dr. Porter to come in.
    A few minutes later a tall slim greying middle-aged black woman walked in. She had her hair pulled back into a bun. “Hello, I am Dr. Patrice Porter. How are you today?”
    “I’m fine, thank you. I’m LaQuela Chambers.”
    “Nice to meet you, Ms. Chambers. When was your last period?”
    “In December.”
    She looked like she was counting it up in her head. “Ooh that was three months ago. So you are at least three months along?”
    “Yes, ma’am.”
    “You know it is very important that mothers get the proper prenatal care during pregnancy to ensure a healthy pregnancy as well as a healthy baby.”
    That made me feel like such a bad mother. I dropped my head. “Yes ma’am I know. I’ve just been going through a few things and just really getting settled here.”
    “I understand. Alright, let me examine you and then I am going to do and ultra sound and see just how far along you are.” I grew excited at the mention of her doing an ultra sound! That meant that I was going to get to see my little one. She did her examination and then she let me hear the baby’s heartbeat. “Hmmm there it goes. Oh goodness, that little joker has a strong heartbeat!” She giggled.
    The sound of my baby’s heartbeat brought tears to my eyes. It also made me feel motivated more than ever to get my life in order. I had to do everything in my power to ensure that she or he had the best life possible since I had ruined the chances of my child having a real family.
    The sound of Dr. Porter’s voice interrupted my thoughts and brought me back to reality. “Okay let’s see this little m unchkin.” She squeezed some cold gel on my stomach and then started to perform the ultrasound. The screen was facing her and so I

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