Make Believe

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Book: Make Believe by Cath Staincliffe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cath Staincliffe
Richard, ‘Please brief Millie, make sure she’s up to speed on all developments.  Now, and for the duration of the investigation.’  She held her hand out towards the door, inviting them to leave.  ‘And Richard –  no names to be released yet.’
    You think he ’s still alive? Felicity Wray had taunted her.  It wasn’t likely.  Though it depended on who had taken him, or more specifically what for.  Janine’s gut instincts told her that while Felicity Wray had some motive to want the child out of the picture, she was an unlikely kidnapper.  The way she made no attempt to hide her dislike of Clive’s new family, her jealousy, also suggested her innocence.  If she actually had taken Sammy surely she would be more circumspect and not go all out to antagonise the police.  However if a lone paedophile was behind the abduction he might well have got rid of Sammy Wray within the first few hours after abusing him.  Rape and murder.  A ring of paedophiles would trade the boy as long as they could get away with it, keeping him enslaved for years.  It didn’t bear thinking about – except for the fact that it was Janine’s job to think about such horrors, to face them squarely and calmly, analytically, to examine the evidence and try and reach the truth.  Her colleagues at CEOPS who concentrated solely on child exploitation and protection had been alerted. 
    Janine’s phone went – Lisa at Felicity Wray’s house.  They had not found Sammy, nor any trace of him and there was no sign of any attempts to conceal a body, like recent digging in the garden .  Thank God.  If they had found the child there Janine would never have been able to forgive herself.  And neither would Louise Hogg.

Chapter 13
    Butchers had tolerated the stupid balloons and the noose above his desk as best he could but when he saw Lisa handing cash over to Shap he couldn’t let it lie. 
    ‘ Are you doing a whip-round?’ Butchers hissed.
    ‘ Who pissed on your chips?’ Shap said.
    ‘ I told you I didn’t want any fuss.  It’s just a small do,’ Butchers said.
    ‘ Don’t know what you’re on about, mate.  I’m collecting for the lottery.  We’re in a syndicate.’ Shap was a weaselly bastard, lie his way out of any situation and Butchers didn’t know whether to believe him. 
    Butchers returned to his desk.  He had been speaking to the community policing team who covered the Kendal Avenue area, checking out the neighbours and any known criminals.  He was particularly interested to learn that Luke Stafford was already on their radar.  Anti-social behaviour, police had been called to the school twice to deal with violent incidents.
    ‘ Luke Stafford – bit of a bad ‘un,’ Butchers told Shap.  Then he compared his notes and saw something else.  ‘And, he goes to All Saints – same school as Phoebe Wray.’  Fluke or something more sinister?  Butchers thought about it: Phoebe Wray is half-sister to the missing boy and Luke Stafford lives next door to where the dead child was found.  OK, the boss had stressed the importance of keeping the two inquiries separate but a coincidence like that at the very least needed explaining.
    The office phone rang and Shap answered it, listened then said, ‘Kim, Tony Shap here – your fiancé’s better half.’
    Butchers sh ook his head, raised a warning hand – I’m not here .  He felt sick.  He’d blanked three calls from Kim already.  It was busy and he was up to his eyes.  If she was mithering him like this now, then just how much worse would it be once they were hitched? 
    ‘ Just missed him,’  Shap said smoothly.  ‘All systems go for tonight?’  He listened and laughed.  ‘Can’t wait.’
    Shap hung up and looked to Butchers waiting for an explanation.  He could whistle for it.  Butchers shrugged, easier than trying to justify his behaviour.  Wasn’t sure what was going on himself, anyway.  No time to be bothering about all that now, he

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