Make Believe

Free Make Believe by Cath Staincliffe

Book: Make Believe by Cath Staincliffe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cath Staincliffe
has been dead for longer.  Interpol have identified several missing children.  So far the only one of particular interest, of the right age and gender and similar physical description is Tomas Rink.’ She indicated the photograph of the child.  ‘We have requested a DNA comparison.’  If it was Tomas Rink, how had he ended up in a sewer in South Manchester? Trafficking was a possible explanation, there was an abhorrent and lucrative market in selling children to paedophiles and pornographers, though their child had not borne any obvious signs of sexual abuse.  ‘With no ID for the child, we concentrate on the site.’ 
    She h eard a sharp intake of breath and wheeled round. 
    ‘ Boss,’ Shap pointed to the television, on but muted, in the corner, ‘McEvoy.’
    Janine saw the builder expounding to some news camera. 
    ‘ I thought we’d sorted this,’ she said to Millie.
    ‘ So did I,’ Millie said sharply.
    ‘ What’s he saying?  Turn it up,’ said Janine.
    Lisa hit the remote and McEvoy’s Scouse twang, filled the room. ‘I’ve seen some things in my time but that … wrapped in a sheet but you could tell it was a body.  He’d been there a while and I’d been working just a few yards away.  Beggars belief.’
    ‘ Turn it off,’ Janine snapped.  ‘I want him gagged.  Talk to him,’ she said to Shap.  It was crucial to stop Donny McEvoy from speaking to the press, his meddling could seriously hamper the investigation not only because it might directly influence public attention in the wrong way but even more importantly it could be held up as prejudicial if the case made it to trial  ‘Why’s he so keen?’ she said.
    ‘Most exciting thing that’s ever happened to him,’ Richard said.
    ‘ Or did he have a hand in it?  Who else apart from the builders had easy access to the site?’
    ‘The property developer is on a lounger in Mexico,’ said Lisa. 
    ‘ Verify that,’ Janine said.
    ‘Neighbours,’ said Butchers, ‘the Palfreys and the Staffords. Staffords couldn’t get rid of us quick enough.’
    ‘ Wouldn’t be that hard for anyone to access,’ Richard pointed out.  ‘No gates on the drive, might still be just a matter of convenience.’
    ‘ Well, we eliminate them all before we take this any wider.  Record checks, background checks.  Be thorough.  We have ruled out the house at 16 Kendal Avenue as the primary crime scene?’
    ‘That’s right,' Richard said, ‘no evidence the child had ever been inside the property.’
    So many questions.  Who was the child?  Where had he come from?  Where had he been killed?  ‘ We’re starting afresh with this,’ she said.  ‘Look at everything as though it’s completely new to you.  We’ve two crimes here.  Two boys.  We need to find one of them.  And identify the other.’

Chapter 12
    Janine was gathering papers together in preparation for the interview with Felicity.  Richard came in and handed her a card to sign, for Butcher’s engagement.
    ‘ If that child was there when we went round …’ Janine looked at him.
    Richard shook his head.  ‘No word yet.’
    She couldn ’t think of anything more original than ‘Good Luck’ to put in the card, she scrawled her name beneath it.
    ‘ Butchers has put his ‘do’ back an hour.  You going?’ Richard said.
    ‘ Doubt it.  Need to get my head round this lot.  You?’  She passed him the card.
    ‘ Show my face,’ Richard said.
    ‘ Taking Millie?’
    ‘ Might be,’ he said.
    Why did he have to be so bloody coy about it?  ‘Only asking,’ she retorted, sounding more defensive than she’d intended.
    Half-an-hour later he was back, ‘Felicity Wray’s in interview room one.’ 
    ‘ Thanks,’ said Janine getting to her feet.
    ‘ We got the data of the texts that she sent Clive Wray,’ Richard said, ‘nasty stuff.’
    ‘ He didn’t delete them?’
    ‘ Maybe he wanted some proof in case anything weird happened,’ he said.
    ‘ Like

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