White Flame

Free White Flame by Susan Edwards

Book: White Flame by Susan Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Edwards
where she turned, he was there, blocking her escape. She clenched her hands, her ragged nails digging painfully into her palms. What was she going to do?
    More clouds drifted apart, allowing rays of moonlight to fall and hit the prairie. They bathed the man before her in silver splendor. He stood tall, strong and proud. His stance emphasized the strength of his thighs and the slimness of his hips and the powerful set to his broad shoulders. She took a small step back, awed and fearful of this magnificent warrior whose very presence spoke of power and ageless strength. Here was a man in his prime.
    The sight of all that raw masculinity took her breath away. Her legs went weak and her heart pounded. Where Yellow Dog’s body had repulsed her, something about this Indian captivated her, reached out and touched her deeply. Some primal instinct warned that this warrior was much more a danger to her than Yellow Dog.
    “Please leave me alone,” she begged, her voice low and husky.
    A slight breeze sprang up and tugged at his long flowing hair, revealing the shadowed valleys of his face. His lips firmed. “No. Enough. We go.”
    Emma shook her head, her throat gritty and sore. Uncertainty assailed her. He spoke English, said he would help her. Was he telling the truth? Would he take her to the fort? Maybe he was one of the scouts the soldiers used? Remembering Yellow Dog and the dead soldiers, she didn’t dare trust him.
    Tears brought on by the hopelessness of her situation blurred her vision. There wasn’t one part of her that didn’t ache. But she couldn’t give in now, not when she’d nearly made it. When he moved toward her, she jumped, held out one hand to ward him off. “Stay away. Don’t touch me,” she croaked.
    “I give you my word of honor. You will not be harmed. I will return you to the fort. You will tell them that the Sioux people are honorable.” His voice was soft, enticing, as if he were calming a spooked mare. “Come.” He held out one hand, palm up, his fingers beckoning hers.
    Confusion and fear warred within her as his deep voice lulled her, tempted her to put her trust in him. Trust. Her father had trusted her to keep her sister safe, but Renny had been traded away as if she’d been nothing more than horseflesh and it was all Emma’s fault. “No,” she shouted, breaking his spell. “Stay back. Don’t touch me. My father is an important man. I’m warning you, leave.” She tossed her head and eyed him with bold defiance.
    The warrior stopped and cocked his head to one side. He appeared to consider her words. “Your father? And who is this father of yours?” he asked, sounding amused.
    Emma tilted her chin and drew upon all the strength she could muster. “My father is Colonel Grady O’Brien. He’s in charge of Fort Pierre.” She said the words confidently, pleasedwhen he took a step back.
    “Colonel Grady O’Brien is your father?”
    Emma nodded, finally feeling as though she had the upper hand. “I’m his daughter Emma.” She waited a beat then sought to strengthen her position by adding, “Captain Sanders is my fiancé. He was escorting me to the fort where we shall be wed when Yellow Dog attacked. He escaped.”
    Something in the warrior’s stance caught her attention. All trace of amusement had faded and his eyes had narrowed into glittering slits. Staring at his clenched fists, she continued, her voice uncertain. “At this minute, my father is probably out looking for me. So you see, I’ll be fine on my own—”
    The single word exploded between them. Emma backed away when the warrior closed his eyes as if in pain. His menacing glare frightened Emma. Her stomach tightened painfully. Something’s wrong. Why had the mention of her father and Derek produced a reaction of hatred instead of fear? Emma hugged her arms to her chest, looking for answers in the warrior’s face but his eyes were shadowed by the night. Yet there was no doubt he was furious. And

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