Kyle's Modern Montana Bride (The New Montana Brides Book 6)

Free Kyle's Modern Montana Bride (The New Montana Brides Book 6) by Susan Leigh Carlton

Book: Kyle's Modern Montana Bride (The New Montana Brides Book 6) by Susan Leigh Carlton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Leigh Carlton
back, I would like to see your mother’s grave.“ she looked at Kyle. “Do you mind?
    “No, I’d like to visit her too.” He said.
    He followed Zach’s direction and found Ashley’s final resting place. It was quiet in the almost deserted cemetery. They sat on the ground at the foot of the grave, marked by a small marker, no one saying anything. As they stood to leave, Kyle said softly, “You should have told me, Ashley. I could have helped.”
    It was a two hour drive back to Arcata and the Marriott. Zach recounted all of his experiences to the captive audience. “Were you ever frightened?” Susannah asked.
    “I was at first, but I got okay. It was tough at Lake Havasu.”
    “How did you get from one place to another?” Kyle asked.
    “When I had the money, I took the bus, other times, I hitched,” Zach said. “One time, I hopped a freight train.”
    “You were lucky, you know that, don’t you?” Kyle asked.
    “Yessir, but most of the people were really nice. When I hitched, I would only get in the car if there was a woman.”
    “That was pretty smart of you, but you were still lucky,” Kyle said,
    “Yessir, I know.”
    When they got back to the Marriott, Kyle called the airport and asked to have the 310 ready for the next morning.
    “Susannah, he needs some clothes. Why don’t you take my credit card and take him shopping?”
    “I have a better idea,” she said. “Why don’t you come with us?”
    “I’d like that. We can eat while we’re out,” he said.
    Armed with the name of a clothing store given them by the front desk, they went shopping and bought several pairs of jeans and shirts. Zach was embarrassed when they went to the underwear section. “I’ve bought your underwear for years,” Susannah said.
    “I wasn’t with you though,” Zach said,
    Kyle roared. “He’s got you there, Susannah.
    “What kind of food would you like?” Kyle asked Zach.
    “Do you like Mexican,” Zach asked.
    “Sure do,” Kyle said. He asked the salesperson helping them about Mexican food. She recommended the Taqueria La Barca, and gave him directions.
    The food turned out to be good, and they ate heartily.
    Back at the hotel, Kyle said to Susannah, “I’ll ask them to bring a Rollaway bed.”
    “Why?” Zach asked. “Can’t you sleep with Aunt Susannah?”
    Susannah’s cheeks turned red.
    Kyle said, “We’re not married, Zach.”
    “Aw, Dad, people do it all the time.”
    “Would you listen to your worldly nephew?”
    “He’s your son,” she retorted. “Besides, I don’t see anything wrong with it.”
    “Then it’s settled,” Zach said matter-of-factly.
    “Zach, why don’t you shower, and wear the new clothes. We’ll be leaving early in the morning.”
    “Okay, Dad.”
    Zach left to get his clothes. Kyle said, “How about that. He seems to accept me, and calls me Dad without reservations.”
    “I think that’s beautiful,” Susannah said.
    “Me too,” Kyle admitted. “Now about the other, should I order a bed?”
    “Why? He seemed okay with the idea, I’m okay with it. Several of his friends live with someone other than their father. “It’s up to you. I’ve told you how I feel.”
    “I won’t order a bed, then,” Kyle said.
    “I really appreciate you coming with me to the ranch. I had better call and let them know we’re coming. It’s about a four hour flight, so we should be there around noon.”
    He called his Dad’s cell phone number. “Dad, we found him. He was in Crescent City, California. It’s not too far from the Oregon state line, and where Ashley died. Have you told Mom?”
    “Yes, I told her, his father said.
    Dad, I’m bringing them to the ranch. We should be there between twelve and one. Is Mom there? Let me speak to her then.
    “Mom, I’m bringing your grandson to meet you. We should be there around lunch time. Will you hold lunch for us? Susannah will be there too,”
    “Bye, Mom, see you tomorrow. “I know, Mom. I love you too,”

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