Framed: A Psychological Thriller (Boston's Crimes of Passion Book 2)

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Book: Framed: A Psychological Thriller (Boston's Crimes of Passion Book 2) by Colleen Connally Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colleen Connally
    Gesturing with her hand for him not to interrupt her, she pressed her lips together as if in thought. “Daddy was always close to Nana,” she clarified. “Nana called every day to talk to him…and me. I know she didn’t like Vivian either. I’m not sure exactly what the objection was by the rest of the family, but for me as a child, Vivian was cold and frightening.
    “The woman never smiled or said a kind word to me. She has this long, pointed nose. As a child, I used to call her the Wicked Witch of the West.” Riley gave a small laugh. “I still do.”
    “Why did the rest of the family dislike her?”
    She shrugged. “I’m not sure. I remember on a visit to Boston, I heard Aunt Cora call her a slut. Later on, I thought it was because my cousin, Noah, was born three months after Donald announced they had married.”
    “What did she do that split the family?”
    “I’m not sure that she did,” Riley answered honestly. “I just remember that when she came into the family, everything changed.”
    Kincaid nodded and noted the information. “How did it change?”
    “Donald and Daddy didn’t talk anymore. He never visited and when we went north, he was never around. Grandfather and Daddy argued. Walter and Daddy became quite close. Walter came often to Charleston with his family…then that changed too…”
    Riley winced. Kincaid said nothing, not wanting to press her. He was already forcing her to remember a difficult time. A moment later, she breathed out deeply.
    “Shortly before Daddy died, Walter came down to the house, anxious and nervous because he had gotten himself into some financial trouble. Some investment that went wrong. He wanted Daddy to help him…go to Grandfather. Daddy did.
    “That’s when everything exploded. Grandfather and Daddy had a big blowout. Daddy was angry…so angry. He told me that we weren’t going to see Grandfather anymore. Then the rumors started. The reporters were everywhere. Police…FBI…and then Harrison got arrested for murder.
    “Daddy immediately started Harrison’s defense.” She stopped and looked directly into his eyes. “The papers crucified Harrison. Saying the most awful things. The day before Daddy died, the FBI came to the house and questioned him. I remember it was on a Sunday. They stayed all day. When they left, Daddy was in the worst mood.”
    The reporter in him held back. He wanted to bombard her with a million questions. She had been so thorough with her details of her youth, but vague with the details leading up to her father’s death.
    Instead, he asked gently, “What happened to you after your father’s death?”
    “I went to live with Grandmother Carver.”
    “And what?” she asked curtly. “What do you want to know? That my Boston family left me with my poor, disabled grandmother…wanted nothing to do with me. I didn’t even see Nana again until I was a senior in high school…after Grandmother passed away.”
    “How am I to know?” Her agitation clearly resonated in her tone. “Walter saw me at Daddy’s funeral. He told me that Daddy left me nothing because all his assets would have to be sold to cover what Daddy stole from Grandfather.
    “After Grandmother Carver passed, one of Daddy’s former friends, Clayton Edmunds and his wife, Adele, offered me a place to stay through high school. He’s the one who reached out to Nana.”
    “Then you moved to Boston?”
    “I was a sophomore in college and transferred up to UMass Boston. Nana offered me a position as her companion. It was her way to get around Grandfather’s disapproval. No more than three months after I moved in with them, Grandfather dropped any opposition.”
    He could see the frustration in her face and knew the interview was about to end. “What about Harrison and Meme? What happened to your relationship?”
    She waved her hand in front of her face. “What was Meme going to do? She had to put all her time and energy to

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