The Second Chance Shoe Shop

Free The Second Chance Shoe Shop by Marcie Steele

Book: The Second Chance Shoe Shop by Marcie Steele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcie Steele
anything, and that chart in the staffroom doesn’t move, then we might all be in trouble.’
    Sadie sat down with a thump. ‘We’re doomed, aren’t we?’
    Dan sat beside her. ‘No, we’re going to be fine. We just need to stay positive.’
    ‘Morning.’ Riley looked up to see Ethan in the doorway. He was carrying a cake box. ‘I thought you might like cupcakes.’ He slid the box onto the counter as they gathered around him eagerly. ‘No rest for the wicked on sale day.’ He glanced around the shop that had only one customer looking at slippers. ‘Where are all the people?’
    ‘Indeed,’ muttered Dan.
    ‘It’s early yet.’ Riley threw Dan a warning look as she took a cupcake from Ethan with a smile. Ethan didn’t know they were struggling and she didn’t want him to find out.
    The day wasn’t exactly hectic but they were slightly busier than usual. Two women argued over a pair of last year’s winter boots, but when it came down to it they fitted only one of them, which was a relief. A group of teenaged boys came in to check out ‘the fit bird who sat in the window’ and, despite their earlier worries, they did manage to nab a few extra sales. Suzanne would be pleased with that small mercy, at least.
    As the doors closed at five thirty, Riley felt glad to be going home. She decided to send Ethan a message. It had been good of him to call and see how they were doing. Thanks for the cakes earlier. They were delicious!
    Glad you enjoyed. Do you fancy a bite to eat one night, too? No pressure if you don’t!
    Riley felt her skin flush a little as she wondered how to reply. ‘I think I’d like that,’ would probably be much better than ‘Yes, right now!’ She settled on Yes, okay.
    Are you free on Tuesday evening?
    Riley grinned. He was keen. Yes. Shall I meet you somewhere? I could pick you up around seven if you don’t mind giving me your address? She texted it to him quickly before she changed her mind.
    ‘What are you grinning at?’ asked Dan as he caught her with her head bent over her phone.
    ‘I have a date. Ethan’s taking me out on Tuesday.’
    ‘You’ve pulled?’ Dan sounded incredulous. ‘I’ve been trying hard for ages and you haven’t been trying at all. It isn’t fair.’
    Riley smiled. Although nervous, as it had been a long time since she’d been on a date and Nicholas had always come round to her flat for pure convenience, she was looking forward to it already.

Chapter Seven
    M onday morning soon came around . When Riley arrived at the shop, while Sadie and Dan opened up, she checked to see if there were any emails from Suzanne. She was bound to have sent a couple checking up on them, and the sale.
    Surprisingly, there were none. But all became clear when, ten minutes later, the woman herself pushed open the door and marched straight over to the till. She was wearing yet another coat, a black and white dogtooth, three-quarter length. Riley sniggered as she thought of Cruella De Vil.
    ‘Morning, Suzanne,’ Riley chirped, realising that at least she could be civil to her. ‘It’s a lovely day out there, isn’t it? It was quite warm yesterday, too.’
    Suzanne ignored Riley’s small talk and flicked a hand around the empty shop.
    ‘Busy, I see?’ she said, her eyebrows raised as much as they were capable of.
    ‘It’s too early,’ Riley explained. ‘Most of the customers will be collecting their pensions before coming across if they need anything.’
    ‘Our clientele isn’t that old.’ Suzanne folded her arms as she glared at Riley, Dan and Sadie. ‘I thought the place would be buzzing. What went wrong?’
    ‘I don’t think there was enough of a discount,’ Riley began. ‘I think if we―’
    ‘It has nothing to do with the discount, Riley,’ Suzanne interrupted, her tone clipped. ‘Sales attract people. Obviously it’s your job to make sure those people buy something. I don’t know why you find that so hard.’ She gestured around the shop. ‘Those

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